Thursday, July 5, 2012

Assisting Ms. Saunders with an Assignment

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 5th July 2012)

[FORM 2]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went up to the Staffroom from inside the Hall, to visit Ms. Saunders about a Past Paper Question I didn’t understand. I saw Johan from Youth Group coming up the stairs too. Ms. Saunders and I were about to finish the conversation when he came to talk.

    Meanwhile, the three of us sat down on the kinda comfortable Maroon chair on the inner side of the staffroom. She wanted us to help her answer some questions she had for a survey. But the time was limited and the bell was sounded for us to return to our classes. So, then I gave her my email to send me the questions.

    That night I sent her the questions all documented in the one she sent to me. All of my answers were in colour. So, it was a nice day doing something music-related with another person who likes music too. But I’m not too sure if Johan did the same set of questions for her. Before sending the document I made sure to fix it up neatly and add the font shown in the document.


  1. Miss Saunders' Interview Protocol Document.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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