Friday, June 29, 2012

Form 2 - Music Exam - Term 3 (Finals)

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[FORM 2 - TERM 3 - 2012]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This Music theory past final examination paper was for the third term of Form Two. It was much shorter than that of Form one. I was not very prepared for this exam at all. I knew that some of the questions were not going to be strictly on music theory as the previous year. More classes had dealt with presentations of persons involved in music for the carnival season.

    This time around the exam paper was better in my view because it was created by the teacher in a way that the content was originally made and not taken from other sources.

    Recalling the day of the examination, I remember that the first half of the class roll was sent over to the Form one classes. Mr. Pierre was supervising at the time for this exam and the members in our class had completed the exam before the first fifteen minutes of the exam could pass by.

    They ended up taking our papers and allowing us to leave the classroom early. Mr. Pierre and I had a good laugh when he took my paper when he said, “Yuh wish every exam could be quick like this, eh?”


  1.  Form 2 Music theory Exam (Final)


Daryl Zion M. Ali 

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