Saturday, June 16, 2012

ABRSM Theory Examination (Grade 2)

Date for Entry: (Saturday 16th June, 2012)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 11th June, 2021) 

Dear Diary,

    Today Mr. Lewis took me to his school, Trinity East and Bishop’s Anstey, which held the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (A.B.R.S.M.) Examinations for Theory. I was writing Grade 2. I was a bit worried because I’ve never been to that school before, afraid of losing my way and scared. After all, this was the first time I was going to do this kind of Exam and didn’t want to do badly in it.

    Before I went into the exam room, Mr. Lewis put me into a room and then he had to take me out. The exam room was someplace else. I waited a long while with him outside because he was trying to get me a sticker that had to be attached to the exam paper. Finally, a nice lady took me to the correct classroom. I saw one of my friends next to me who played with Starlift. She was writing Grade 3. It looked a little difficult from where I was. Soon after, the exam had begun and it was all downhill from there.

    This was my chance to get a distinction in a subject that I liked. I made sure to look over the paper very well. It was easy because the answers were to be inserted alone. It was something like gapped passages, only in a musical form with a bunch of instructions in paragraphs.

    I went into the pan room where Mr. Lewis was and met my friend Jerimiah who played for Panorama with me in Starlift. She had asked me if there were any problems and there was only one word I couldn’t remember “Andantino” that she had problems with too. I went down the stairs and dad was waiting outside. We went home Curepe and then something went wrong.


  1. Results Sheet & Certificate

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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