Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pan Minor’s Graduation (2012)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 31st July, 2012)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 12th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today one of my mommy’s friends Aunty Nathalie from Mount Hope drove me all the way down to Queen’s Hall. It was super early and I got there long before the other graduates. Hardly anyone was there so I sat in the Lobby area waiting. 

   I recall that "two of the Steel Ensemble members" if they still were, had chosen to give dictation about what we should wear for the ceremony. I personally didn't give them any thought because there were specific instructions on this. They truly wanted to be highlighted by being the only ones wearing blue in the audience. The rest of us ensemble members were in our white long sleeve shirts, grey pants and maroon tie as if it was a special function we were attending at Hillview.

    As soon as other persons involved and other graduates arrived, they had us gather by the group to run through the music on stage again twice. Some other things were fixed at the same time. Once the little practice was over, Miss Brown helped arrange us in the correct sitting order. I could remember the other Ali girl who didn't like the boy next to her so she begged me to switch seats. The ceremony began shortly after and then the audience including other parents came walking into ill the rest of the seats. 

    All of the classes from both DCFA and Trinity East had to perform. For some of the pieces, I liked the Level Two pieces more. Mom and papa were there. I saw them walking into the auditorium as the rest of the other graduates were already seated. Mr. Martin drove them down to the Hall and to us back home back. Before we left, I took out a picture with my friends from school and then we went off to Valpark to eat lunch. 


We had a short photograph time with the other members of our Hillview ensemble. Unfortunately, as time went by those photographs were lost. There were only two in my saving. I could not find some with all of us behind the banner. There is the one above that Joshua gave to me on a birthday. Sunlight faded it over the years. 

I will appreciate this program because it was able to show me three parts in music theory Grade one that I did not know. It has also strengthened me in rhythmic reading slightly to certain rhythms provided during the theory classes. Thank you, Pan Minors.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

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