Friday, July 6, 2012

Pan Minors Level 1 - (Written Assessment 1)

Date for Entry: (Date Unknown/Forgotten)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my first assessment examination for the Pan Minors course, in Studio 4 at the University of the West Indies, DCFA. For the first hour, my class group's turn was for the Pan Theatre. Ms. Mostley conducted the practical aspect of the exam. I did my sight-reading and rhythmic exercises on the Double Seconds. Fuss I did not like the instrument at all but it is what they had put me to do.

    Once eleven came we were sent over to Studio 4, where we'd do the written theory exam. Ms. Brown had played a few pieces with melody and rhythmic patterns on the piano and we had to answer questions on the paper-based on what she played. Those were the first six questions. The rest of the paper was left for us to finish in the remaining minutes of the class. I wasn’t nervous at all but excited. 


    In the second week of the programme, Ms. Brown returned the exam papers to us. I was surprised at the mistakes I made but that’s alright. I was really hoping to get all right and that might have been me alone in the class group to do so. She told us that only one student in the other group got total. 

    I can recall a big challenge remembering which lines that semibreve and minim rests were supposed to be written on. This was the only hard part of the written paper. 



  1. Pan Minors Level 1 – (First Written Assessment)

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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