Monday, January 21, 2019

Music Degree (Yr2; Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 21st January 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This is the first day of semester 2 for my second year in the degree program. The class I was taking this semester were (1) Steelpan Arranging 2, (2) Performance Music 4, (3) Indian Classical Music, and (2) Steelpan History and Development.

    In the Performance Music, it was divided into Indian Classical Ensemble, Individual pan with Mr. Sharma, and Individual Piano with Mr. Sharma by my selections.

    I was very concerned and worried about what would happen to my courses for the semester. Doing degree, I am required to do five classes for the semester but I decided to take four. The fifth was supposed to be Science, Medicine, and Technology in Society.

    I did not really want to take that course at all and it was a ‘foundation’ course too. I did attend the first class but unfortunately, the class was filled. The lecturer said that they were permitted to take up to eight hundred students that semester but by the end of the course all the spaces were taken and I could not get to do it. I got all the way down into UWI then to be turned down when they told me at the sciences office that the course was filled. I walked all the way down to the geography place to sit and take in some air before calling daddy to let him know what had happened.

    As I sat down in the lightly warm sunlight, I found that it was best for me to not do the course this semester. Apart from not wanting to do it, I knew I was going to be doing a history class this term and I knew that needed the time. In addition to the steelpan arranging class, that would be a lot of time trying to fight to get the work done in the computer lab again; to get the Sibelius assignments for Dr. Remy converted from Musescore to Sibelius ad meeting her deadlines. 

    I told daddy it would be better and then I went to the Administration to submit my papers for clearance. I was glad I had the papers to submit and get that out of the way too. A lot of people were there. I ended up finishing the waiting after two and had to rush to school for my first class with Dr. Remy. Did not have lunch yet. I would have to wait until nine in the night to get food.

    Even if I did get through to it, I would have another problem because the plenary on Monday clashed with Dr. Remy’s Steelpan Arranging 2, and the first Wednesday class, it would have gotten me one hour and a half late into Dr. Remy’s Steelpan History and development course in the evening. I did not want to have to leave one class to go to another teacher’s class. I wanted to go to one and give my undivided attention there.

    I had no idea what the Indian Classical Music one was going to be like but it would be nice to be in one of Mr. Maharaj’s classes. Overall, I was glad I had made the decision to continue with four courses for the semester. The time away from the fifth gave me the time to take care of all the homework and coursework assignments.

    I did have a wish to do the Music Therapy course but the teacher had given me some problems in the past and I chose to go to Mr. Maharaj’s Monday night class instead. Looking into the window to studio four, I was glad I did not go to her class. Even hearing of all the hard work that the student had to do, I knew I made the right decision.



  1. Fee Sheet (Degree Yr2 Sem2).**
  2. DCFA Timetable (Degree Yr2 Sem2).** [Permission was not granted.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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