Thursday, January 24, 2019

Indian Music (Classical) - (MUSC 2202)

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 24th January 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 16th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Mr. Maharaj was the lecturer for this course. I am grateful for making the decision to join the Indian Classical Ensemble. It made a lot of the materials encountered throughout the course a lot easier. Below is an account of the course and some of the things that occurred.



* Thursday 18 April 2019 *

On this day, the Thursday evening class received our exam papers from the previous week. It was a twenty percent written theory exam on what we had been exposed to so far. Everyone in the class remained silent as Mr. Maharaj called each student to collect their graded paper from the desk. You could see that they were all worried about failing and even I too was panicked. I knew I had studied so hard for it and even while using the toilet, I would pick myself up on a short revision of vocabulary, theory, or the ten scales that we were given.

    I saw Samantha, Natasha and Andrew went up and they gave off laughter when they looked at their grade. I didn’t ask anyone what their mark was and all through the entire class, I did not know what my score was. When Mr. Maharaj called me up to collect my exam paper, I folded it in half and stuck it into my notebook. When sir had finished he looked at his mark sheet and said, “No one got total. There was only one person who got nineteen and that person did really well.” Those were his exact words and then we were sent to recess after some commenting on the paper.

    Only when Renelle at the end of class came and asked me what I got. I still did not know until I thought I should have looked. When I opened the paper, I got the biggest shock. It was me who got the nineteen out of twenty. Up to now, I remember sitting outside in the corridor hoping that I did not fail the test. At that point in the corridor, I was hearing Natasha shouting to the others in the grass and asking who got what in the test.



Thursday 4th April 2019 *

At some point in the semester, I was angered at several things that were troubling me. Three of them were part of the course itself. I had allowed it to eat me up on the inside to move to the end 'smoothly'. 

    There was a very late class of the semester that a promise was made but not fulfilled for the provision of music notation. I was concerned immediately because I did not believe in the promise. I was right with my feeling because the said date above for the "Music of the Diaspora" (exam) came and on the rehearsal before the show all the way back from the promise, it was not fulfilled. 

    On the weekend of the promise, I went home and made 'score guides' for the two pieces for the class performance. I was hoping that maybe the person would have had a good method of going about the music done by the 'upper hierarchy' and then passed it down for the rest of us to learn. Maybe they might have taught me a different method of notation. Even looking at the work written on the class whiteboard, I knew staff notation would not be useful.

    The edited video recording was created Friday 5th August 2022 and became a DAPHA Project. 



* Wednesday 15th May 2019 *

Days after the "Music of the Diaspora" (exam) concert, the class participants got individual emails from Mr. Maharaj with the results of our coursework. It was tallied out of fifty points. I was amazed and thankful for the amazing forty-nine. At that point, it was only one point needed exactly to pass the course. I look forward to the final exam but harder work was required since I preferred to review the work from scratch.


X *

This course like many others did not have a textbook. I decided to put everything I had from the course and other personal research into this document. I was happy to include portions of the Indian Classical Handbook I made into it. It will be a DAPHA Project I will cherish for a long time since it assists me in my personal Indian Classical compositions.


  • 'Scratch Created' Textbook - [DAPHA Projects].**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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