Sunday, February 12, 2017

Panorama Medium Semi-Finals (T&T 2017)

Date for Entry: (Sunday 12th February, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16th November, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the National Panorama Semi-finals in the Queen’s Park Savannah in town and it was a really hard and long day carrying a burning back pain from practice as well as bending down so low to reach the pan in that low rack stand. I met two of Aunty Roshida’s sons there while I was practising. I only knew Pots but the other guy I didn’t know. We couldn’t talk long because the girl drilling us was going through it over and over.

    In the evening time at around three o'clock came, I went with Cael and Toyanna and two other girls to find a changing room because all of us didn’t come in the T-shirt they gave us. By the time, we got to one of the toilet tents, one of the girls said, “Buh you’s ah boy, I thought you woulda pull out yuh shirt and change dah like nothin’.” Somehow, I was expecting someone to say that at some time now but then I kindly responded, “Yeah girl, ah know I’s ah boy but not like those others.”

    I only made two slips on stage and that was all but it was fun. I had a good time whining and ducking and all the other stuff in the back. It was good to cross the Grand Stand once more as I thought that I would never cross it for my third time but it was possible today. I went home with Mr. Gill and his wife in their van afterwards. 

    They gave me two sandwiches and it was good. Actually, it was the only meal I had for the day and I was waking since half seven out of bed and sleepy still. There was only one recording of the performance. It did not really provide a good quality sound. No visual was given, unfortunately. I did not even have photographs from this particular stage crossing moment.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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