Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Last of Classes with Mr. Nurse

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 21st October, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 8th September, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today in Pan Lessons with Mr. Sharma and intermediate ensemble was better. With Mr. Sharma, he took me to the outside office passed the Pan Theatre and showed me a sheet of paper hanging from the door. It was for the registration of the final exam, where “I would be in front of a jury just like in the audition” and had to play the two-piece we were working on for the whole semester.

   We went back to Practice Room 4 for our classes and then when he asked me how classes were going I told him about the Group work for Caribbean Lab and how stressful it really is. He told me that “in groups, there might be either one or two people who don’t do their part and then you would have to tell them to do it.”

    We went on to the two pieces for the jury which was “With a wink and a smile” and “My cool tune”. I "didn’t do so bad," he said but to me I did. I wanted to get it out perfect since it was his song. The one Dr. Remy did was “My Cool Tune” and while some of the rhythms were challenging for me I was glad to work out some. This I got out from the one and a half practice in front of the computer with the pan after I came home at eleven o’clock in the night from my Caribbean Lab Group Practice.

    For Intermediate Pan Ensemble, Mr Nurse came a bit late and the majority of the class wasn’t there. He then told us that he would be leaving the school soon because he has to "work full time at [his] business". He then told us that sometimes “when we have a problem, there is always something good to come out of it.” This class when well except for the “Perpetuum Mobile”. I didn’t practice so well but the “Oye Mi Canto” I managed to finish out through the end, thank God. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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