Tuesday, October 13, 2015

General Musicianship 1 - Assessment #1

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 13th October, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 6th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my first coursework exam for General Musicianship and I was extremely happy but nervous on the side because I had to sing a piece of music on the spot using SOLFEG. I was going to be the last one since Ms. Neaves was going with surnames from Z-A

    Before miss began, I gave her a copy of the National Anthem I made on Sunday which was arranged for Voice in Acapella. I also gave her separate parts of the song in case anyone wanted to get it to practice.

    My parts for the performance aspect of the exam was kind of easy but I panicked in the sight-singing piece. I was given a piece in G Major and it was not so easy but I remembered Mr. Sharma told me, In performing from sight-reading, we want to see that you can play a piece and don’t stop even if you made a little mistake. So, I just sang to the direction (contour) of the music notation and add in the SOLFEG. I hope it was correct. 

    Once this exercise was completed, I was asked to call everyone inside from the corridor for us to do the written aspect of the exam. Mrs. Neaves had to play excerpts on the piano and we had to answer based on it. Some of the things involved music notation, naming scale types and others. 


  1. General Musicianship 1 (1st) Assessment - Exam Paper.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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