Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CXC Results

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28th July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Tonight, I was patiently waiting for my CSEC Results with too much fear. I knew what was to come would come like that Spanish song: "Que serra serra, whatever will be, will be." The online website to view the results was giving some problems and we did not know what time exactly they were coming out.

    When I finally typed in everything, I clicked the log in button and then the big purple screen came up. I said, “Okay, Daryl. Just watch that middle column and pull your eyes straight down with the grades and nothing else for now.” There I was a four and then no one but then I saw threes and twos so I was pleased. When I called mom, she didn’t know what they meant so I had to explain that anything number from one to a three is a pass and anything four and below is a fail.  

    So, I was glad I got a good Two in my music and with the three, I hope it would be enough to go to UWI because I had my seven subjects including Music and English Language. Andrew, Dad, Mama and Nadara were all happy and excited for me. I too was surprised. It felt like it was all done and the big fear of CXC all these years was finally done. 

    Papa died some week ago. I did not get to tell him that I was finally getting to go to University. He considered me as a child of his would be the first one to do so.


  1. CXC Certificate.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Fifth UWI Audition Practice

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 28th July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today was my fifth day of Practice with Mr. Sharma in UWI. He told me for the first piece he would play and I can play the second piece as a solo. He taught me breathing at the start off. It was one where you had to point your head in a slant wards position to mark the first beat of the piece.   

    He then asked me about the Arthritis that Mrs. Sharma had told him about. I didn’t know that she knew I had arthritis. He showed me some exercises I can do to warm up before playing pan. And said that when something is hurting it means that it is time to stop so that it can recover. We then did some sight-reading, which I was afraid of because it is not always easy for me, lolz!

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Meeting about UWI Registration

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 7th July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went to the Department of Creative and Festival Arts (D.C.F.A.) to speak with Mr. Sharma about some Piano lessons. We asked him about signing up for the Music Certificate course in September. He told us that one of the requirements was to have five passes in my CSEC Examination including English. And then he told us about an audition that I have to perform for some judges to find out some information about myself. I was getting a little worried about the English. I know that I did my best in it.

    Mr. Sharma didn’t know that I wanted to do Music when I had shown him the Pan book I made for the Youth Group. He looked surprised at the computer work and told me that I would be having to do a lot of this in the Course if I got admitted. After a chat in the Staffroom, He took me to Practice Room 4. There was a very nice brown Piano on the cover. I fixed my blue Tenor pan on a Pan stand. But to put in the Pan, the plastic holding the pan was the fat to go into the narrow hook of the pan stand. He soon came back to the Practice room and lent me a book with the songs I can play for the audition with. But this same book was the same one I am going to use for my pan exam right there in November.

    We both went through the song together. It was tough. Very tough. The first song was Adagio and I knew this one from by Mr. Lewis. And then the second piece was Blizzy. I really liked this one but it was too hard to learn. I found it difficult to learn out all in one. But we just went on from the beginning to the end. Mr. Sharma said, “That’s one of the things when you come to UWI, that you wouldn’t be spoon feed the music. So, you got to just take upon the Music.” This was one point appreciated and noted indeed in my head and nowhere in the journal. Thank you, Sir. 😊

     At the end of Practice, I was all wet as if it was a workout. I gave Mr Sharma back his book and went to meet dad and mom in the Staffroom kitchen. I told them that the room they were in was where I did my Grade 1 Exam in Pan there. I went back to Tunapuna and practised the song more.


  1. Youth Group Steelpan Book
  2. DCFA Steelpan Exam Book - Grade 3 Tenor (2012-2014).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Scoring "She'll Be Called Blessed"

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 2nd July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 2nd July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Tonight, while digging up in an old library in Aunty Vangy room too many things fell over on me to get to the table in the corner. I was going to score out some of the old music I had on my Musescore program I found. Then I found a sheet of letters I remembered playing for Mother’s Day in Church with the Sunday School. The only one Aunty Joy gave us with the words and letters.

    Poor little me at that time didn’t know how to write music or even read it properly. In fact, that was the first time I was ever experienced playing a song on the Low C Tenor pan. One idea that mommy had, she pointed out a picture of the Tenor Pan. She got the name of the pan from Aunty Joy. We stuck it on the back of a Styrofoam plate. It was at that same time too that I did not even own my very first pair of pan sticks. I took two pencils and held them just before the point while I used the other side with the erasers to practice hitting and rolling on the note.

    The only difference was that this did not give out sound but it was a very good idea. I sat on the other side of mommy’s bed while she lay there and watched me learn the song with the letters on the yellow paper she wrote out for me on the opposite side before she fell asleep. 


    Only after a while did mommy fall asleep, I noticed that the music wasn’t so hard. It repeated itself and the only difference was that in the fourth and eighth lines, a slight change was done. The rhythm was the same and the notes only descended each time. At that point in my life, I did not know about sequences.

    There were nine of us playing tenor pan at the time. Me and two others used the church's tenor pans. I think that Joshua had some cousins that joined us as well and they brought their pans. They were part of the nine. 

    Oh, how I admired all of them with their pans and pan sticks that I wished I could be able to play the instrument good as them. I thought that even though I was into music all this time that they would have known more than me. Time showed me that I progressed and had less to worry about back then.

    As time moved on I wondered what had happened to all of them. Are they still playing music and if they were able to play professionally. Not many of them stayed with the Sunday School as I left over the years in my short stay with Sunday School.

    There were about two to three practices with this song alone before the Sunday service that it was performed. I for one knew that I was most confident. Practising on that printout had ensured I had everything covered. I am certain that I  knew it by heart as I was practising on the printout and following the letter pitches on the yellow Bristol board sheet that mommy did for me. 

    During the performance, I had the tiny sheet with the same letter stuck inside the pan and I had the Bristol board sheet on a book stand. Being aware of the music and everything required for the piece, I did not need the letters. All that I did was just play the song. The rest of the Sunday School children had to meet aunty Joy Sampath at the back of the church by the beautiful stained glass to learn the words last-minute. This was the only way I was able to find out the words for the song. I had no idea of this song before.

    I did not know that during my private practising at home (Tunapuna; home #3) I was doing something called audiation. It was led heavily on what I had heard from class and then repeated at home. This term was taught to me by Mr. Sharma during Music Education 1 class during the third and final year of the Music Degree program.


  1. "She'll be called Blessed" Score.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Time for Giving & Getting

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 1st July, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 2nd July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mom and I went up to Hillview College to do two things. I had to return my books from the Rental and deliver the towel gifts I had wrapped up since Term one for some of my CXC teachers for Christmas.

    Everyone was out on lunch and Aunty Pam had come by to help us. She called Ms. Ali-Hosein and then Ms. Ali came out. Ms. Ali liked her gift and a photocopy of the play I took from Andrew’s Caribbean Studies SBA and make it better.

    Then Ms. Saunders was on a field trip so I didn’t get to ask back for my white folder of sonnets I lent her. So I decided I’ll make another folder and print them out to my DAPHA folder. Soon I saw Ria in school. She told my mom how her dad had run away from home and they looked all morning to find him. Eventually came back, thank God. 

    We then told her about the recommendation letter and she asked the Secretary to assist her on time as she walked in the door. Then I gave her a present I had for her and a photocopy of the play I did. She gave me a hug and then told me that I could do theatre arts too with the music is going to UWI. But then I realised it would be nice but then I might have to do Drama for CXC. Once that idea came to mind and remembering all the confusion and stress for CXC with music I did not want to do it.

    Later, while typing up my story “Magical Creatures” Ria called me from What’s App and I met her out in the road. She handed me the letter in a white Hillview College Envelope as she pulled up in the front seat of Mr Bedase’s car and I thanked her for it. 


  1. Referee Letter from Ria.

Daryl Zion M. Ali