Thursday, September 9, 2010

Meeting Hillview College's Music Teacher

Date for Entry: (Thursday 9th September, 2010)
Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 8th June, 2021) 

Dear Diary,

    Today was Day 4 on my Timetable. I was eagerly waiting for the recess period to be over because I was going to have my first Music Class in Hillview. This time the lesson was going to be free and in my school. How amazing is that?

     At the entrance for all the teachers in the classrooms, the students had to stand until the teacher gave us permission to sit. A reason for this was not given so all of us went with the flow. Many of the boys including myself took some time to get used to this practice. Miss told us to sit and she had an introduction as if it was printed in a book. Her name was Ms. Sherry-Ann Saunders.

    I can recall when she had asked if there was anyone who had a musical background to stand. I for one stood up and then looked for the others in the back from the second-row fourth column in the front. Wow! There were nine of us standing. It looks like I might be getting some music friends? I hope so. hehehehehehehe, Lolz.

    Miss Saunders then proceeded to teach us about the Staff or Stave and gave us a definition that I had never learned before. She said, “A Staff or stave in music, is five lines and four spaces of which Music is written on.” This was probably the first time for me that someone had ever given me a definition for it. I did not mind that I knew off of this already. I knew that this was a chance to see what else there was apart from my music theory encounters.  

    Sooner or later, the fifth period was over and she had to go. I felt sorry because that was so nice. But overall, she was a great teacher just by observing how she taught us. I just hope the next class comes soon again. lolz. 😂😊. 



    At the time of this class, we were only required to have 

  • Eric Taylor Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 (ABRSM), which was misplaced. 
  • Music manuscript book, which was lost in time
  • A recorder. 

    Over time I got to learn that Learning can be a fun book and got that. I also got a school recorder book for my own. I did not know that mommy had the family's copy of the book. She also had a claim that she was the only one in the family to master the recorder but I'm not quite sure how true it is. Maybe one day I will do more practice and try to get there too.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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