Friday, September 10, 2010

Meeting my Drama Teacher

 Date for Entry: (Friday 10th September, 2010)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 8th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

      Today I had a big nice surprise. The fourth and fifth periods were assigned for Drama. The next thing I know, Ms. Saunders was walking in the Classroom door with her three books in her hands. Apparently, she said that she was going to be our Drama teacher as well so this made me very excited.

    During this class, she told us about something called improvisation in Drama performances, that when you forget your words you should be ready to act out how you should be in the skit and that we should not take too long to give a response.

    With that note being said, Ms. Saunders played a word game with the class. It was quick and accurate. The instruction was that a student must give a word (‘Apple’) and whatever letter the word end with (‘e’), the next student had to give another word with that ending letter. The trick was giving an answer quickly enough and not giving the same words over and over.

For example:

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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