Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of Hillview College

 Date for Entry: (Monday 6th September, 2010)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 8th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

        Today was my first day at Hillview College. Mom walked in with me through a small pedestrian gate and we met the vice principal, Mr. Ramsahi, up in the main office. She showed him a photocopied page from the newspapers with Andrew and Essay Writing Competition.

    When we went downstairs, a lady we knew from church was there. I realized that it was also Andel's and Joshua's first day too in Form one or that the three of us would be in the same class. She told us where the Form 1 classrooms were and I went out in that direction. 

     I went into my new classroom nervous and worried about what could happen. My mind for days now had me overthinking everything TOO much. It was hot because of the white long sleeve shirt and maroon tie. I felt so special to have to wear a tie during one whole day of school. That was amazing indeed!! 

    During the assembly, four tallboys were playing the steelpan instruments for the National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago and their very own school anthem. I was so happy to be greeted with a lovely song and to hear the graceful melody of their college song. I hope that someday I will get to learn the melody on either the tenor pan or on the piano. The chanting of the boys yelling out at the end of every verse sounded really cheerful. I even carried my Hillview College homework book in my pants pocket to follow the words printed on the inner side of the back cover.

    Suddenly, at the end of the morning’s message, the Principle came up to announce Andrew’s third place in the writing competition. He knew that I was here today and had asked if I was to show my hand in the large crowd. I was so worried I just my hand and they saw. Thankfully, it was not for so long and I was glad that he did not call me up.    

    At the end of the first assembly, we were sent into our classrooms. For me, I was placed in Form 1 West. We got our timetable and meet our two form teacher names: Mrs. Mala Chin Fong and Mr. Gajadhar. I hope trouble don’t end up following me. To go through such things isn’t nice and I hope I get along with my teachers as well as the subjects that they are about to introduce into this new school life. 

    Only in the afternoon after lunch, we were given a tour of the school. I was very happy when I saw the savannah up on the hill. It was lovely. Then getting up onto that pavilion showed the magnificent descending view from the hill and far. Amazing Hillview! 😊

    Looking back at the timetable I know for sure that the Music class in a few days would be really exciting. I'm hoping that it would be well for me. That it will be able to step in for me (as a guiding teacher) and that it help fill the gaps from all these years of self-education in music theory. Hopefully, this experience will give me the chance to know what it is like to have a music teacher.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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