Monday, December 12, 2016

General Musicianship 3 (Final Exam)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 12th December 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 15th November, 2021)

Dear Diary

    Today I had my examination for General Musicianship III. I really did not find the name suitable because it was not doing the usual stuff. I found that the subject name deceived me in particular looking at the courses previously completed. The exam went well. I went to school at twelve and then waited a while for the examiner to call us into Studio four. It took me the full two hours to complete the paper. In the end, I felt a big relief that it was all done and over but hoped to get a really good grade even though I did not study a bit for it.

    One other part about the day to smile on and remember was that when one of the invigilators was passing around to see if we had everything on our exam receipts, she looked at mine and said, “Wow, that’s quite a nice signature" and then she moves on to the others. I smiled and laughed out with Kayla who was sitting on my right. 


    There was another class where a few more quotes of wisdom were shared but kept with me for this journal from Mrs. Neaves. They will remain with me as I wish a limited copy of a score she was handing out was not in my possession.

  • Sometimes people say things just to hurt you. It isn’t meant to wish you well."
  • You could dream big but the extent you can reach as in the requiem performance, it is all about becoming who you are.
  • Never talk about the sexuality of another or yourself in public. Even in the place of immensity be it age, race, religion, etc. It is something that you shouldn’t talk about.
  • Once you're a musician, you are a teacher all the time. Even if you are a soloist. If your guidance is not working, find a new method. For example, teaching a fish to climb a tree.


  1. General Musicianship 3 (Final Exam) - Receipt.
  2. Harmony Decorations Handout.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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