Thursday, December 15, 2016

Practical Ear Training (Final Exam)

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 15th December, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 15th November, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This is the subject that should have been called General Musicianship III but it was fine. Everything in the course was related to the other two General Musicianship classes I had from the previous two semesters. 

    Funny thing first, three big questions almost made me ball out in "French words" in that exam. I mean, why would you give us three huge questions about things we did not do in class? Why? It's like I’m going to have to sing the pennywise advertisement song singing, “Why, Why to tell me why!” Lolz!

    In the end, I took my bag and then I went out by the car to meet dad. This would be the last time I stepped foot in the schoolyard until the next academic year for my final Certificate Course. It feels scary a bit to see the horizon line in front of me but let’s hope it bring good things. It was also the last time I see my friend Adam since he’s leaving us to go to Berkley College of Music.



  1. Practical Ear Training (Final Exam) - Receipt


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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