Sunday, January 19, 2020

Music Degree - (Yr 3; Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 20th January 2020)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 27th June 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The last semester of year three begins. No personal timetable was made. I decided to use the DCFA's Music Class Schedule again. The mandatory courses for this semester were (1) Music Education, (2) Choral Techniques, (3) Steel Orchestral Techniques, (4) Performance Music SIX, and (5) Caribbean Studies Project/Thesis.

    The thesis is a 'year-long' course but I have decided to a have discussion on it this semester was the final submission for marking and the conclusion of the course.

    This semester also brought the COVID-19 pandemic's lockdown on Sunday 15th March 2020. Everyone was indoors and now forced to rely on technology for the continuation of classes. 

    In terms of music practicals, I continued with the regular individual steelpan class as my primary instrument with Mr. Sharma (scores below). I decided to do it for another semester with Mr. Maharaj but the piano at home had to substitute because of COVID lockdown. The Indian Classical Ensemble was continued and its music will have its own profile for this semester.


  1. DCFA's Class Schedule - (2019-2020) Semester 2.**
  2. Fee Sheet & Payments - (Yr3; Sem2).**
  3. Amadinda Echo.** [Permission was not Granted.]
  4. Divertimento in D Major.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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