Monday, January 20, 2020

Indian Classical ENSEMBLE - (Yr3, Sem2)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 20 January 2020)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 1st July 2022)


Dear Diary,

    `The writing below is an account of the Indian Classical Ensemble in the last of its face-to-face classes and the transition into the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. In terms of assessments, several video recordings would have had to be made and provided to lecturers for grading. 

    This also resulted in the canceling of the end of the academic year's "Music of the diaspora" concert done by music students of DCFA. Since the concert was discontinued there will be no separate post. All recordings provided for grading will be attached with each entry by section.


* Monday 20th January 2020 *

The first piece for the semester was a classical composition using Raag Bhairavi. At first, seemed as if it would have been extremely difficult for me because the selection of pitches for the raaga used all four flats. 

    The good thing was that Sa was set as C. So, from my Indian Classical Music CLASS with Mr. Maharaj last semester, I saw that the raga's scale was like Ab Major and had the tonic as C. 

    This composition took a very long time to complete. There were some holidays and canceled classes in between that had kept us back on having all that was given in the score. Overall, it was a piece that was good enough to challenge me. 

    One time after a long time of no classes, we started with that song and everyone did not know the song. Not sure if they did not practice but I was able to finish the entire thing. I'm not sure how the other students made out with the music they had to record and submit to sir. I knew I was able to complete the entire thing. 


  1. Version 5 - Final.
  2. Recording for Grading.**


* Saturday 4th April 2020 *

We started this piece in class because of of the members did a cover on it. It was also the last piece given to us before the COVID-19 lockdown began. The version of the transcription that I did was not Mr. Maharaj's version that he would have written on the whiteboard in class. I took the YouTube recording and wrote out the entire song. That was submitted to sir for marking.


  1. Versions 2 - Final.
  2. Recording for Grading.**


* Tuesday 7th April 2020 *

The day before was a night class via Zoom. Mr. Maharaj had sent us recordings of a new Raag Bhairavi piece to learn. It was very easy but the score had to remain as a guide because there was a portion of the song where resting was not specified. 

    On Monday 13th April 2020 the next class came. We had to take turns playing pieces of other songs we had to do for the semester. And I got to play out the entire Raag Bhairavi piece that was scored out and emailed to everyone. I couldn't recall what the Indian word 'Dhun' means. After all this time, I wondered what would have been the rest o the music. We were only given a verse and chorus.

  1. Mr. Maharaj's Sargam Notation.
  2. Version 1. ** [For Request by Email.]
  3. Version 2 - Final.
  4. Recording for Grading.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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