Monday, January 27, 2020

Harmonium Individual - Performance Music 6: (Yr3, Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 27 January 2020

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This particular class did not carry many sessions when the COVID-19 lockdown came. Whenever a new piece was introduced, the entire composition was given to me instead of small portions. I was glad that Sir was able to trust me in sending all the music in one go. I had all of them transcribed at the end of each session. 

    I was asked to record all pieces done in class along with assigned scales and technical exercises for marking. For me, it was a huge amount of video required. The recordings were done by cell phone. I wished there was a time when some of us could say how much they did. Without having access to a harmonium I was allowed to use the Piano. I did all of the harder alankars (exercises) that were given to us.


* Monday 6th April 2020 *

On this day, only the first page was given to me. I had decided to take the Chorus and Verse (Sthayee and Antraa) from Mr. Maharaj and expand them into a full composition. I think that is what Mr. Maharaj was explaining the Dhun to me. On Monday 13th April 220 this entire composition was completed after some days of working on it on the piano. I had the opportunity to try fingerings on Musescore.

    I was wondering if there would have been more explaining for that section but I took the experience from transcribing his pieces for the ensemble and came up with the music submitted for marking.


  1. Dhun Composition (Version 4) - Final.**
  2. Recording for Grading.**


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Bhairavi was the first chosen thaat. I had to play the scale with three different scale patterns. In each of the three chosen patterns recorded, I had to play the same scale at a slow speed, medium speed, and fast.


  1. Bhairavi Thaat - Alaankar #3.**
  2. Bhairavi Thaat - Alaankar #7.**
  3. Bhairavi Thaat - Alaankar #10.**


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Kalyan was the second chosen thaat. I had to play the scale with three different scale patterns. In each of the three chosen patterns recorded, I had to play the same scale at a slow speed, medium speed, and fast.


  1. Kalyan Thaat - Alaankar #3.**
  2. Kalyan Thaat - Alaankar #7.**
  3. Kalyan Thaat - Alaankar #10.**


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Khamaaj was the third chosen thaat. I had to play the scale with three different scale patterns. In each of the three chosen patterns recorded, I had to play the same scale at a slow speed, medium speed, and fast.


  1. Khamaaj Thaat - Alaankar #7.**
  2. Khamaaj Thaat - Alaankar #10.**


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C Major was the chosen tonic for all pieces with Mr. Maharaj's class. I also had to play the scale with three different scale patterns. In each of the three chosen patterns recorded, I had to play the same scale at a slow speed, medium speed, and fast.


  1. C Major - Alaankar #6.**
  2. C Major - Alaankar #8.**
  3. C Major - Alaankar #10.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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