Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Western Music History 1 - (TEXTBOOK)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 18th October 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Tonight, I have finished a milestone of my goal for this semester which is to make and compile information for a Western History Textbook. All together Mrs. Ramlal gave us two PowerPoint Presentation Documents on the MyElearning site from UWI and it had the things we had to learn for our course. It focused more on the Medieval Period (the Middle Ages). It felt so good.

    At the beginning of making these notes into a Microsoft Document from the information of the Internet, I decided to make a special sheet like a lottery slip or like one of those multiple-choice sheets that you might get in an exam and make it easier for me to see which slides I had completed already and then have that accompanied by another sheet which lists the topics of the various slides. This was really helpful seeing that the topics were mixed up all over the place in the PowerPoint Presentation file.

    The only thing that I regret not doing is getting the idea to do this from the start of the semester. Seeing that I got this idea late the work will be a lot and also when it comes to putting in references and credits to people for their work in the book this takes a good deal of time to sit down and do but I know I will get it over with very soon. Plus, I have to get the slides for the Renaissance Era and the Classical Eras to do also and the time is just so little each week to do them.


    It was somewhere in the Christmas vacation that this textbook for the course was completed. An estimated time of completion would be around the third day after boxing day.



  1. Checklist for PowerPoint Slides.** [By Request Only.]
  2. Western History Textbook - DAPHA Projects 2017.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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