Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Struggle, A Quest & 3 Elderly Meetings

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 26th October 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went in early to UWI’s Main Campus for my Writing for Academic Purpose Tutorials. We had to submit our second group assessment. Everyone in the group had to pick a subtopic from what we agreed on in the Sentence outline. I really did put a lot into it and I could still feel as if it was not very good at all. I took a seat and then was worrying if I should write a handmade cover page although all the information they wanted was right there on the sheet itself. I just submitted it there with the others from my group and filled out a short form on the envelope the teacher made us fill out. I heard the lecturer say to the other three in the group I knew I did not do it well.

    We continued with class and then today we were looking at a new essay type. It dealt with similarities and differences in a given topic. We spent a good time finding the vocabulary required for that particular type of essay and the practice of doing a thesis statement was done. Soon the class was over and then when I got to ask the teacher if my sentence was good she said that she could not understand it because she did not have her glasses to see properly so she asked me to follow her to her office. She unlocked the door, turned on the lights and then went in. I took a seat there and then she told me that she finds that I was having too many problems in class and then she suggested that I could go to a place classed the Student’s life and development and ask them to assess me to see if I can get some help concerning my course.

    She made a call to a lady that she wanted me to go then and meet. She gave me some directions and then I went off to find the security guard. I found one but it was not one for the security guards within SPEC to help me get to the building. It was near the large opened field and along the back roads UWI near the southern parking area. He took me to a building and then I thanked him for getting me there. As I for the entrance after a group of security men was there liming outside they told me where to go and as I got in I saw two ladies there. They were the ones expecting to see me and then they took me inside to a dining room to fill out a form.

    When some time went by a lady with a sheet over hear heard like a Muslim lady came and sat by me. That was Ms. Worm. She went through the forms and then she helped me fill in information I did not understand what they were asking for. When she asked me which kind of assistance I would like to get from them I asked about the types of assistance they provide and she sent me back some flyers they had for me to see and then we soon got into the talking part. Most of the information we spoke about was confidential and it was mostly about the information in my schooling activities and personal emotions from on the form such as loneliness, stress and anger and the list went on. She also gave me tips on trying to being brave and walking with authority. It felt good when we stood up and tried it.

    Lunchtime was coming so Ms. Worm took me to their conference room in the back of the main office area and we continued to the chat. On my way there with Ms. Wbeorm, a nice lady in pink stopped me and then I realized it was Aunty Alicia from in the back of us in Tunapuna. When we were talking about school subjects I showed her my timetable and then when she looked at my Transcript it was not showing up anything on the paper for this semester so it was then she told me that something was going wrong with it. As she also looked at the timetable from my blue timetable, she told me that I should not have to be doing all of these courses for one semester because it was just too much. I agree but then I had to explain to her about Performance Music which is split into three totally different classes and then the other four classes which are cut into two classes each. She took it to make a copy of it and then.  

    When the time was wrapping up I spoke to dad on the phone when I went out of the building and told him that I would come to meet him outside the Library drive-in. Ms. Worm was sent immediately to the Administration building but I know that Dad wouldn’t be able to hardhearted me and understand all that I had to tell him so the only thing to do was to meet him and then tell him where I had to go. He drove me to the Administration and then I went to the Bursary section to see if there was any hold of anything wrong and then the lady at the counter. When she told me this I walked back to Ms. Worm which was two streets away and let her know what was happening. I was getting worried because Ms. Worm said that by Monday they were cutting people off the system if they had to go through all these problems. 

    There was a Graduation that finished some time now so now I had a but fear to find again which was crossing the road in the middle of traffic. This is something I did not like to do at all but I had to if I was going to exactly let Ms. Worm know what was happening. When I went in, she told me to wait outside and then after she came off the phone, she introduced me to a guy in a wheelchair who was graduating with his master and he the piece of advice he could tell me was, “No matter how hard the sacrifice is, just keeping going and you’ll get it nicely in the end.” I did appreciate that very much. Ms. Worm said she will make an appointment for me to see a Dr. Jackline and then she will send me the date and time. I told aunty Alicia goodbye and then the Doctor lady was right there next to her.

    I went back to the front of the Administration building and then called dad to find out when he was. When he asked me if I was done in UWI I said yes but then I told him I had to go home immediately to go to Curepe to get to E-mail my work to someone in the group so they could submit it online. It took me a long time to get the computer running although I told the girl that I would be in a meeting and that I could try to send it to her by one o’clock.

    Finally, the email was sent and then I felt like a long and hard part of the day was over. Then I had to go to my very long History class later and take notes that were very long. I made sure to take note of all the things I could get from the slides on the PowerPoint that Mrs. Ramlal had up.


  1. English for Academic Purposes Assignment.
  2. Student Support Brochures.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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