Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Mount Saint Benedict Visit - Western History 1 (Paper)

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 3rd October 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning daddy and I went up to Mount Saint Benedict in the car to find the Library. I had on my long track pants in case they had a dress code in effect just as how the Gate office operates. I went through about eight books looking for research for my paper which I had to write this week to hand up for Mrs. Ramlal’s Western History class. In all, we spent a whole long time here of about six hours from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon.

    When I was done, I had to hurry down the mountain and go to school immediately without lunch. I did not even have breakfast that morning but as usual, when that happens I was happy and fine. The nice girl in the office was able to help me and at first, it was a little time she took to help me find the books with the relevant information since their books did not have music things about the church music I was looking for.

    In the back of this journal entry will be the pages of information from the books which I was able to get photocopied. When the girl came back after an hour from copying the pages daddy and I was shocked when we found out the price for the copies so both of us paid a piece of the cost and we covered it for sixty-seven dollars. I also bought a cross-chain as I wanted something for around my neck instead of the heavy Steelpan necklace I made for the panorama season. 

The links below provide copies of documents used for the research paper.



  1. "Introduction to Christian Worship" By James F. White.** 
  2. "The Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say" By Mark G. Boyer.** 
  3. "A Brief History of Christian Worship" By James F. White.**
  4. "Handbook for Liturgical Studies" Volume 3 By Anscar J. Chupungco.** 
  5. "The Hymns of the Breviary and Missal".**


Friday 27th October 2017.

    Today before Music Theory began, Mrs. Ramlal had some more of her History papers to return to us. Finally, she came back with mine. I was really excited to see the mark and at the same time, I was feeling nervous because I did not want to get a low mark. This past week she said that every time she decided to mark some of the papers, the internet decided to go or that her computer wanted to give her trouble. For me, I could seriously relate to that whenever I am in the presence of a laptop and had to use it.

    As I looked at the paper from the Student’s Accountability statement on the top of the paper, I still admired the signature at the top and that was nice. I could still remember when I took a picture of this same first page of the Accountability statement on Instagram and my friend Megan replied a comment that said, “Take in that big signature nah” that felt good reading it and then another teddy bear feller wrote something nice too. It did not mark his name on Instagram but I saw one of his pictures.   



Daryl Zion M. Ali

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