Monday, September 11, 2017

Writing for Academic Purpose (Trial #1) – (FOUN 1001)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 11th September 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

This entry is an account of the "Writing Academic Purpose" course in the first year of the music degree program.


  1. Course Outline (2017-2018).


* Monday 11th September 2017 *

Today was my second day for my “English for Academic Purpose” and it was really my first one since I missed it and did not know where the class was last week. I went into the Auditorium a bit nervous but as I took a seat, the feeling went away. Soon class began and the teacher began, although the first lady was a librarian coming in to do a guest lecture and then the real teacher Miss Denis did hers in the second half of the two hours. 

    For today’s class, we went through four types of essays and I remembered my “Preparatory Academic Writing” course from the Certificate course and remembered that I would have to go through this very same kind of misery that I had to endure from then once more. She also gave us some time to write out some thoughts about the course and I find that it was too early for this. It was for the Student presenters of the class and they will have to go to a meeting every month to speak on behalf of us about the concerns we may have. This was the same thing that happened in the other English class. I got one of the empty slips to write on so I just made a small comment about the time of the class and having it shorter. 

    Another thing about the class was the register and filling in this signature. That was one really small space. I felt so abused and hurt to squinch my signature in a small space but whatever. I got it to fit thankfully, and then from that in the middle was to insert my Student Identification number. Soon the class was over and then I went outside and called dad on the phone to come for me. I went home to Curepe and then wait a while until half-past three for the next two classes.


* Monday 11th September 2017 *

Today was my second day for my “English for Academic Purpose” and it was really my first one since I missed it and did not know where the class was last week. I went into the Auditorium a bit nervous but as I took a seat, the feeling went away. Soon class began and the teacher began, although the first lady was a librarian coming in to do a guest lecture and then the real teacher Miss Denis did hers at the second half of the two hours. 

    For today’s class, we went through four types of essays and I remembered my “Preparatory Academic Writing” course from the Certificate course and remembered that I would have to go through this very same kind of misery that I had to endure from then once more. She also gave us some time to write out some thoughts about the course and I find that it was too early for this. It was for the Student presenters of the class and they will have to go to a meeting every month to speak on behalf of us about the concerns we may have. This was the same thing that happened in the other English class. I got one of the empty slips to write on so I just made a small comment about the time of the class and having it shorter. 

    Another thing about the class was the register and filling in this signature. That was one really small space. I felt so abused and hurt to squinch my signature in a small space but whatever. I got it to fit thankfully, and then from that in the middle was to insert my Student’s Identification number. Soon the class was over and then I went outside and called dad on the phone to come for me. I went home to Curepe and then wait a while until half-past three for the next two classes.


Thursday 16th November 2017 *

Today was the second to last class for my English Tutorials. During the period of the class, I gave my group members the account statement and someone attached it to the assignment before submitting it to the teacher. I also gave each one of them a peer review form which was a single sheet and had to give a comment about each member in the group.

    The topic for class today was a continuation of the extended definition and today there was a surprise on the board. Miss King did music as the topic and she smiled at me and said that I should probably know about what they were talking about as she was about to talk about it she told me to correct her if she was going wrong. I was also glad because today was the end of all group work for this course. 


Below is a list of other documents involved in the process of this particular course.


  1. Graded Coursework.
  2. Vocabulary Sheet.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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