Monday, September 4, 2017

History of Western Music 1 - (MUSC 1211)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 4th September 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

Below is a continued account of the course History of Western Music 1. the course was split into two classes for an hour and a half each on Monday and Thursday evenings. There was no class on Thursday 21st September 2017 because of the university's Matriculation Ceremony.


* Thursday 7th September 2017 *

Today was the second half of my Western Music History course. It was better than I thought it would be. Some of the things I had to learn for Musicology in the Certificate course were there as well but I could see it was going a bit more in-depth. I also got the course outline from Miss Ramlal and got to sign a blank sheet of paper from she gave me. It was a yellow blank sheet she tore out from her book, and she told me to just put my name and sign on one of the other sides.

 I did exactly that but on this ordinary sheet of paper, these lines as usual are always so small. In this case, I just signed as usual and you know it took up a whole five lines? I was hoping that the person who I gave next wouldn’t have a problem and sign on top of mine. It really did happen, and this led me to think of putting a number next to mine and then writing the number below for the next person to sign in the future. 


  1. History of Western Music 1 –Course Outline.
  2. Plainchant Notation Handout.


* Monday 11th September 2017 *

I went into class and wait for it to start. Miss Ramlal came in soon afterwards with her back and hooked up her laptop to the projector. The topics we went through today were Greek music, Aulos (instrument), Aristotle, Plato, Doctrine of Ethos, Plato’s complaints, Nobility, Peasantry, Clergy and some reasons the Church (Roman Catholic) did not like secular music mixed in their services. 


* Thursday 12th October 2017 *

The theory and listening exam for Western Music History was done today. I studied as much as I could for it and then I tried my very best to write the exam. It had a very similar feeling to the Musicology class from Music Certificate. When I got back the paper, I felt as if I did really bad with the eighteen out of twenty-five. Did not expect to get an essay for the exam by the way, lolz. This was a tough one to do.


  1. Western Music History - Assessment #1 Exam Script.


Thursday 2nd November 2017 *

This morning dad woke me up in Tunapuna. He was waking me up for class this morning down in the big UWI for my English Tutorial but it was so hard for me to get up that I told him that I would not bother to go. I took my rest and then in the middle of that I could hear Andrew's voice outside talking and when he said “ah can’t do it” I knew I would have had to eventually come out of bed and go to the computer in order to help him print out some of his documents for submission. Aunty Vangy was still home laying down on the couch and Andrew and dad were in the gallery. Mom left early with Vena to St. James to her clinic.

    When I went to turn on the computer it took a while to come on. The next thing that came on the screen was its update in the process. I forgot that yesterday it wanted me to update it and then as I was about to shut down same time last night, I set it to do overnight and forgot that Andrew would have been coming up in the morning. It took a really long time to come on and the funny part about it was that after five minutes Andrew and Dad left me the computer came working just fine. For the remaining time of the day, I sat at the computer and went through My-E-learning on the School’s site to get some of the material I did in class to study. They were mostly videos and I made sure to put down my notes on paper. There was a lot of paper there in the blue folder from last night.

    Later that day I arrived at school about two hours before class could start. I took the chair in the front row and went through my blue folder because I had the same assignment that Mrs. Neaves gave us as an option to do for homework. I was going to ask Mrs. Ramlal if she could take a look at it and I also had a few questions relating to Western History in case it comes for the exam later. When I got upstairs to the new building inside of the room filled with Offices I had a long wait because another student from my Music Theory class was there and he was going over the same second inversions that I had to ask Mrs. Ramlal for help. In between the student’s periods, Mrs. Ramlal came out and told me that it might be a long wait since the theory would take a long process. She asked me if there was anything I came to ask her in particular and it was there I got to ask her about the fours history terms that were getting me confused:

  • Cantus Firmus – (i) Melody, (ii) same line below but a 6th , and (iii) next line a 4th below the second line. All are parallel.
  • Fauxbourdon – This is given in the bass and you harmonize the top.
  • Counterpoint/Contrapuntal – Both are the same thing except that one is the noun and one is the adjective.

    Soon Leon was finished with seeing Mrs. Ramlal and then I went in to see her. I gave her the sheet of paper and then we went through it. It was so strange that she did not find any parallel 5ths or 4ths because every time I do her homework and check it over I always get them. She told me about the passing six-four which I was attempting to do in bar two of the first line, she said that I cannot have a second inversion on a vi (6) chord. Then when it came to bar nine I had an overlapping part that occurred between the Tenor and Alto and then in the chord of the first beat, I was missing a note to complete the chord. Having looked at the figured bass she saw what I was doing and asked me if I used “borrowed notes” and I did not know what that was so I had to ask her what it was. She said that it is where to take notes from another chord and fuse it within one of the others and that we would be using it in the next semester.  

    I thanked her and as I was about to leave she asked me if I was ready and I was slightly ready for it as I responded. She told me to just go back to class and keep a calm mind for it. Taking her advice, I went back to class and took out the textbook I used for Musicology in the Certificate course and took a browse, and then Justin asked me after I showed him if he asked me where I get all the time to do it. Then Nella said, “Because Justin, Daryl does manage his time well.” I was going to take it as a compliment but then I honestly said no and we all burst out laughing and then I told them I do it through my sleeping hours.

    Soon the examination began. Mrs. Ramlal played five different excerpts on her laptop which was hooked up to the speakers in the class. After that, I did the questions and answered the essay-type question to the back. I made sure to write down everything I knew for that part of the era that I knew and I was still the first one to hand up the paper and leave. I just couldn’t think of anything else to write so I had no choice. In addition to that, the nice warm fresh air felt good after coming out from the cold. Soon after everyone came out I showed Monique my book she made, she said that I should talk to Mr. Murry about it and get into the system because it might just be able to help so many other students who getting difficulty with it. She was still nice to offer to go with me when I was ready to go and see him.


  1. Western Music History 1 - Assessment #2 (Script).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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