Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Intermediate Ensemble (Yr1 Sem1; Degree)

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 6th September 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 18th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first week of the school term so that means that Mr. Sharma and I would not have any classes scheduled for today. I still need to go and find him before all the good spots are taken. There would be two classes for today which would be my Intermediate Pan class and the second half of Aural Training. It is two classes because they split the classes into two which is why I had so many classes for the week. History, Music Theory, and Aural Training were supposed to be 3 hours in total and so they cut it down to one and a half hours.

    As Mr. Manette came into class he gave us a new piece of music called the “Redemption Song.” As I looked at the sheet of paper for the Tenor part, I really did not like what I was seeing. First of all, it was in cut-time which is not so very nice, and then also it was containing so many difficult rhythms that I could not read. It was so nice that Sheldon came in. He helped me figure them out and then he went to the Conga drums in the back. This was not a very nice arrangement at all including all of the many usages of syncopation. Not much of us was there and then I got vexed when Mr. Manette said that we may have to have a concert at the end of this very first semester. That is always so much difficult work to do and the pretend to enjoy what you are doing including in the performance.

    I went back to house number two in Curepe before the next class with Mrs. Neaves in the afternoon. The school looked so empty after the Intermediate class. Not many people were walking up and down the corridors as usual. Also in the afternoon, I got back my piece of paper that I did the diagnostic test from Mrs. Neaves. This was not a diagnostic test I was sure of passing but when I got back the paper it looked alright.


  1. Intermediate Ensemble - Course Outline.


*Wednesday 13th September 2017 *

This morning I was late for class with Mr. Sharma. We went through the song in Practice Room 5 where we had our class today. It was alright. The first song I chose from the examination booklet he lent me was “Concerto in G minor” and then there was the second piece I was not so confident with “Waltz for Piano and Pan”. The waltz song was one that I heard Ifeaye play in Hillview during my Form Three days when he had to practice it for his exam. It was so nice that I went to buy the booklet from Blue Edition and practice it myself. He got surprised when he saw the book because it had other books from the same collection from here at school.

    The reason I choose the Concerto was that it was the only thing that looked easy and it was the only one out of the two I could manage. As for the waltz, I see it would be giving me some time to get used to learning by itself, especially for those duplets and the poison in the middle and ending of it too. 

    I was glad I found his office last week after one of my classes me and my friend Nella went upstairs. She was on her cellphone at the same time too. We both did not know where we were going and found it after some time. I gave him my “Performance Music” form to sign the part for my individual lessons and then it was there that he lent me his booklet.

    Intermediate today went alright and then the whole class was like its usual self. We went through the “Redemption Song” and sir gave us another piece of music called “Milap” which was done by Dr. Jit Samaroo. I was happy because sometimes when I play his music I feel this connection and I could sometimes understand strongly where he would be taking the music. Not by understanding the story behind the composition or arrangement as everyone else does but listening to the sound could tell me a lot at times.

    When I packed back my pan in the Store Room and signed it back in, I walked back into class and saw how quick the other students were when they were trying to rush down their assignment which was due today. At one point I did get to mention how I finished it the same evening when Miss gave us it. The new Jamaican guy named Carl told me “very good”. I still wonder if I might get a chance to be his friend but we will see how that goes along in the few other weeks to come along.


Wednesday 15th November 2017 *

I had Mr. Sharma’s individual classes today. It was definitely my Assessment for the term and in the sight-reading, I had to do there were a few slips but it was alright. The same thing happened for the pieces and then at the end I got myself a twelve out of fifteen which I was feeling clashed but I did not bother to feel that way because I knew it was still very good and went home my house number two in Curepe for the time until half twelve to come back to school for my Intermediate class.

    The class went alright but boring and tiring seeing that I had to stand up for three hours straight again for this class. It was messy when it came to that “Night Shift” song that Sheldon arranged and then the solo he want us to play had a lot to expect from us to do. I was going to tell at one time when he was telling us about getting it was so vexed at one time with the song I was going to say, “Well sorry honey, but that’s as best as I’m gonna give it.”

    Later that night, my English group was up late into the morning trying to edit our third assignment which was due with next day. As a part of the contribution, I decided to do was to print some peer review forms and the accountability statement because I find that I did not do much for it except for what I had to do.


  1. "Night Sight" (Tenor Score). [Permission not granted.]

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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