Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Three-piece Examination (GMM)

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/ Forgotten)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 17th November, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today we had to teach the class a lesson based on the three types of listening exercises using the beat board, flow chart and listening maps. This is the second class that we have with students teaching their lessons. My turn had a really long time with laughing as I told the class numerous jokes while teaching. I came to think that if you can get the students to engage themselves in a short joke to something positive and class-related while having them with a smiling face or positive vibe, you might just be able to grasp all of their attention and make your job more effective.

    I started off my teaching with a message about Christmas and presents being given to each nice little boy and girl and when I asked them if they were ready for the surprise, I turned around the first listening exercise which was the listening map in my hand and said, “Good, cause I got a pop quiz.” They all burst out in laughter again. I began to play the excerpts from my phone. I created a WhatsApp group chat for myself to upload the songs there so that I don’t mix up the recordings. All of the music was played on the sound system in the classroom and the students had to answer the questions on their worksheet after each playing. This was one part of the exam accomplished.

    Another requirement for the exam was to give a background about the excerpt. Next, came the Beat board. This one had another joke to go with it. I told them about the mane of it and told them that it was called a beat board. The joke was, Now I hope that since allyuh know is call ah beat board allyuh doh go an beat up the thing and then come and say Mr. Aliiiii, ah could geh anotha paypah? Cause these thing very expensive tuh go an print.Mrs. Nicholas hid her face for the third time in laughter because as the examiner of the exam, she was not supposed to be laughing or engaging in the 'class' session. She was supposed to be serious behind her table. 

    As I went through the shapes to the what I wanted them to draw to indicate the dynamic, as seen in my answer sheet. I made questions on the dynamic and then they told me. Another one of the jokes was, Yes! And when would we be drawing the square? Everyone said not a word and then I said, People! We are not drawing a square. We are just drawing a triangle when we hear the music played fortissimo! The whole class laughed out again.

    This was played twice and then I asked them about the change in dynamics and then the meter of the music. I could remember Natasha laughing so much and then she said, Allyuh, ah rell weak as she said breathing hard and then I pitched in when I was about to give out the last exercise for the exam and said, Well don’t worry, cause de pepper ain’t hot yet. They burst out in laughter again and then I split the paper in half and gave Kern the first half to share as I was walking across the class to hand the other side and said, Now please take one and make cause to write in your name because you know what happens when someone loses a piece of paper.

    For this next exercise was quite simple. I did it as Mrs. Nicholas did and this time I did a story that I created about Suzie and me on an adventurous journey to meet Mrs. Nicolas at our Bible Study. At one point during this part, Mrs. Nicholas whispered over to me to try to hurry it up because my time was running out quickly. At the end of the story and excerpt, they wrote in their answers on the paper. I then went through the answers with them then took my seat. I couldn’t believe it was over. I was glad it was because it is really difficult to do. 


    For this course as well, we were set into groups and as a final assessment examination, we had to teach the members of the course about our findings as well as to teach them some music. Each person in the group was allowed to play an instrument. There was one group that was able to have Ms. Marge Blackman come in as a guest performer for their presentation. The two pieces that we performed were "Mother nature" and "De Floor" by Ataklan. 

    There may have been several fallouts in the group and ill-treatment from one individual in the group towards me. It really fired me up but I just decided to make up something for the performance, get it done and over it on that Wednesday evening.



  1. Teaching & Presentation Exam (GMM).
  2. Presentation Materials by other Colleagues (General Music Methods).
  3. Rapso Project - Group Minutes and Journal Entries


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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