Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Learning about the Flow Chart

 Date for Entry: (Forgotten/Unknown)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 17th November, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mrs. Nicholas taught us about something called a flow chart. This was General Music Methods class, which was another teaching class. She gave us two sheets of paper with a snake looking figure or almost like a game where you would roll a nice and move according to the numbers with the little plastic avatar as you. She read a story and then there were excerpts to go along with them. With each story piece said and then the excerpt played, we had to match pictures on the flow chart to questions she asked after each playing.

    I just didn’t have a pencil to erase the answers to make the paper look presentable but it looks like it will have to do since it wasn’t marked up on much. Mrs. Nicholas also went through something called a beat board from last week’s class and she was not satisfied with the answers we were giving her because we were supposed to know about it and then most of the class was part of the Chorale and they had to go on a field trip to perform somewhere. 


  1. Flow Chart.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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