Monday, March 6, 2017

FOPA (Assignment #2, 3 & 4)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 6th March, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 16th November, 2021)


** Monday 6th March 2017 **

    Yesterday in the afternoon I got my Pan Arranging assignment two for credit completed. I made sure to print out my accountability statement along with the lead score that Mr. De Las emailed us along with a sheet I made of the instructions he sent in the e-mail.

    In class, he took out his red pent to correct my paper by the time. Some of us were all waiting for a big majority of the class to reach school. I was so nervous and vexed at myself with all of the red ink I saw him scratching up on my paper. When he called me up, he showed me the mistakes I made. It cost me some good marks. I just couldn’t believe I forgot to make those changes. 


  1. FOPA (Assignment #2) - Tay Lay Lay.



** Friday 24 March 2017 **

    The date above is the receival of the Fundamentals of Pan Arranging assignment three by email. I have enjoyed the music from YouTube very much. It sounded like a winning piece with the ‘vibe feeling’ that it presented.

    I think that one day I will review this arrangement. Better yet, I think I would like to do over the entire arrangement from scratch without using the lead sheet from Mr. De Las. I am not sure how well this assignment was done. No marks were provided on the work.


  1. “Know the Face” – Lead Sheet.
  2. “Know the Face” – Assignment Score.
  3. “Know the Face” – YouTube Recording.


** Thursday 20 April 2017 **

    The date above is the receival of the Fundamentals of Pan Arranging assignment four by email. This piece sounded like calypso and it was a long time since I heard a song that gave a good discussion. The experience of working with this piece was not as usual. I suppose maybe the feeling of the song or something gave me a challenge.

    The use of cut-time (alla breve) was not easy. I did not like it at all. The rhythmic writing most likely would have been the biggest challenge for me apart from trying to figure out what to do in the various sections. In reviewing the assignment, I saw that I did not use rehearsal letter markings as I like to have in my scores.


  1. “Who to Blame” – Lead Sheet.
  2. “Who to Blame” – Assignment Score.
  3. “Who to Blame” – YouTube Recording. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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