Monday, March 20, 2017

"Magical Creatures" Music Composition

Date for Entry: (Monday 20th March, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 23rd November, 2021)

[Written as Updated Report]

Dear Diary, 

While going through my editing process of the novel “Magical Creatures” on Saturday, I heard the lady inside of the universe of my mind singing again (around four in the evening). She was super clear and her 'connection' meeting me was the strongest I had ever felt. We both began to sing together on the same spot without practice as if both our minds were shared and we knew what the melody was going to be for every piece of melodic contour. 

It was amazing and left me wondering how this was happening or why. I had to give it trust and by the end of that three-hour episode, she left me with a short piece of melody that was good enough to be a complete section. This meant that I was singing all that time constant without attention to the time going. Before the 'connection' was over and cut, I tried singing the melody section she last gave me over and over as I tried to get the laptop on to score it out on Musescore. 

It seemed good enough with the layback. I did not even know that I would have to use anacrusis or even a three-four meter but it worked and it sounded the same as what she gave me. Whoever that was? When minutes after eight came, I was able to add in a piano part and complete the accompaniment for what I had. Amazing indeed and so magical it felt. Mama and Nadara were impressed again; when they were forced to hear me from the gallery earlier that evening. 

The Sunday evening sitting with Nadara on the bed, I got an old piece of the calendar to cut up with scissors and then began writing out the first part of the lyrics I attempted to write in poetry form like I would as if I was writing one of my many sonnets. I managed it alright although songwriting is not something I'm into or know how to do that well. The same with writing piano accompaniment.  

The unfortunate part about the lady singing is that she does not use words. She uses syllables and if I have to take her melodies I most likely have to come up with the words myself. Thinking of her, she sang only a short piece from last night gave me words for the first section. Then from there, I decided to turn the song into a “Rondo Form” that used her portion as some sort of chorus or repeating section so that I can have orbiting my mind. I thought that this would help me create all the verses easier and I was right. Maybe for this purpose then?

The creation of all the words was done on the same day in that same session sitting with Nadara. I had to make sure that my 'poetry writing' of the lyrics had the same rhythmic measurements in each verse. Once that was done I waited until I got home in Tunapuna to put the entire piece together. It did take me a longer period to sort out piano accompaniment for the other verses because somehow the same thing did not work for each verse. The piece on its own self has been through countless amendments and changes until its final stance in March of 2017. 


  1. Wishing Well Conjugation (Version 1).


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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