Sunday, August 30, 2015

Third Aramalaya & Kelly Youth Sunday Services

Date for Entry: (Sunday 30th August, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the Service for Aramalaya and we had to repeat it at Kelly. I wanted to play a piece on the pan but then Ria told me she couldn’t let me play at the beginning because she got in trouble for putting two introits at the beginning of the service. This led me to play the National Anthem for the ending.

    When it came to playing the National Anthem at Aramalaya, Zara had already begun to play it and I didn’t reach the pan in time. So I stood by my chair on the stage and sang. I listened to her because I was to play it in Kelly just like she did in Kelly. But one of the most interesting parts of the Anthem, not everyone can execute the highest note by “here every creed and race” isn’t always that easy to sing. I knew my sister is accustomed to singing that high and she did it beautifully.

    Ria had crushed my feelings with something mean during the time of Kelly. I didn't tell her about it. I was taught something during the service that was when I had intentionally blanked out the entire surroundings to cross over to my mind. I listened and realised what "it" through feeling was trying to say. 

    Whatever it was, it said to me, “If someone hurts you, don’t just hurt them back as they did. And do not hurt them back in some other form. Because this violence is only going to cause an increase in your own hurt. You should simply just be able to move on from that and spread the kindness and infinite love you make to destroy that hurt instead. If it is not done so, then the friendship or bonds you have maybe broken and can become difficult to repair.

    I may have been hurt but with that little message said and I was able to forgive. It is not an easy thing to do but I did. Thank you, my loving Jesus. J I did get to play the National Anthem but it was to be a duet with my new musical friend Mr. Nathan Nagir. I always admire the emotions I get when he plays. It has so many stories to tell like listening to a rainbow in music. 

    After the service, we had a nice little chat about going to UWI. He asked me, “So are you glad school starting back?” I answered yes and he was shocked and then told me, “What? Nobody does ever be happy to go back to school!” He for sure did not know that I was getting to go to my WONDERFUL school DCFA that I was waiting for so long since I was seven and eight years.

    This chat continued while I was writing the notes on my Soprano score of the National Anthem. A lady had asked me for it because she said that she wanted to learn it on her Tenor pan. He then introduced me to her and I think she was the sister of Rev. Daniel Teelucksingh. He was even shocked to know that I didn’t know who that was. Honestly, I didn’t know who that was, Lolz. Before he left, I asked him if he had a copy of “Go now in peace” because I always wanted the music with the accompaniment also because I fine that playing the melody alone sometimes can get a little boring.


  1. Song Sheet from Kelly.
  2. Presbyterian Magazine (2015).
  3. "Go Now in Peace" (Score).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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