Friday, March 15, 2013

New Place from God.

 Date for Entry: (Friday 15th March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went to my clinic in Port-of-Spain with mommy. Both of us had the same clinic as usual. The pharmacy part is what I did not like the most. It always takes forever to get moving. The best part was leaving the Hospital to visit Simon’s Musical World. I couldn’t wait. On the way there, we took a new route instead of taking all the long walk. Out of the blue, I spot a next Music Store called “The Music House,” which was the name of it.

    At the entrance, I was so shocked at all of the books scattered out on shelves. It was a bit dark and intimidating like in an old antique attic piled up with old books, just as in a Library. But there were a lot of nice books I wished I had at home. Really nice things in there!! I felt like asking Father Time to pause the world a bit, so I can go through all the books. Scary lady in there.

    After passing Globe Cinema and entering the double long black doors of the store, I saw Aunty Paula at the front desk in the back. She hugged me up and then mom. I got “The Recorder Book” part 2, “Michael Jackson This Is It” book of Sheetmusic and another book “Love Songs of the 70’s”. Then before we left, Aunty Paula gave me a lovely black and white T-shirt with a drum kit on it.

    When I reached home, I really wanted to go to school in time for Ms. Saunders' Music Class, which was the last two periods. I didn’t want to go anymore because there were only two more periods left. But mommy was forcing me to go to school because she know I wanted to go. I was glad I had **z** to help me walk up the hill in laughter and comfort. I wasn't feeling good at all walking up the hill to school. Felt like I had ditched school in all.

    The students were all surprised to see me walking into the class. I was feeling like one big fool walking into the school compound with the big blue (NCRHA) Umbrella in my hand. As I walked into the classroom, everyone was silent doing a word search worksheet. 

    Miss Saunders and I spoke by the teacher's table in silence while the others were doing their work. She asked me if I was coming into school and how come. I told her that I came just for Music class after a long day at the clinic and then to Simon's. She gave me the crossword worksheet to do and I happily went and do it in less than three minutes. That was a really good exercise to do. I still cannot believe I lost it after so long too.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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