Saturday, March 9, 2013

Basilon Court’s 1st Annual Thanksgiving Service

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 9th March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had to leave my lessons a little early because we were having an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service in Basilon Court. I had to go and perform on my Tenor pan. I didn’t even know that they had sing songs planned to do like “Let there be peace on Earth” and “Give me joy in my heart” I didn’t know most of the songs so I couldn’t play them for the people.

    However, as the priest was making his way up to the podium, he started to sing “Sanctuary” and I said “Oh God” in my mind. After he made us sing it, he watched me and asked if I wasn’t going to back him up with the music. I would have but I needed my xylophone to see how to play it on the pan. Usually, I might need to watch a piano if I had the song worked out there and then play it back on the pan.

After the function had concluded, I had to do a musical interlude with:

  • Human Nature – Michael Jackson
  • Besame Mucho
  • Fantastic Friday – Super Blue
  • Sound of Silence
  • Titanic
  • This is my Father’s World

    While that was done, mom and I talked to some of the neighbours and they wished me a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Then we went over to Mr. Mahoney’s house to play for him. I remembered the last time we visited, I carried the xylophone and he said that his favourite hymn was “This is my Father’s World.” I knew I didn’t see him at the service so I went to play that same hymn for him.
    Tomorrow will be my 15th Birthday. I had made some arrangements with Joshua’s dad to pick me up tomorrow to visit them, for us to complete a project due for Monday morning. This was a tourism project. We had to make a crossword or a flyer. I did the crossword work with mommy and aunty Vangy later that night.


  1. Thanksgiving Service Program.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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