Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Books

Date for Entry: (Saturday 23rd March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th March, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Early this morning, I went to Tunapuna with Nadara to buy some clothes for Church. We didn’t take too long. Only I did. I had to go to Blue Edition and my visit was more than two hours. 

    The book that I bought was a book with the four voices in a score called “Gospel Mass” with drum kit rhythms and another book that taught a beginner about music notation. I loved it because it would be a good book for sending tips for composing and there were some things I did not know too. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Knowledge Boosters - Steel Ensemble Worksheets

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 20th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    A few times in Pan classes after school in Hillview of my Form 3 and Form 4 days, Miss Richardson came to give us slight Quizzes in examination Mode. These were fun to do and also sometimes she would give us some to do as homework. Along the way with these, I got a few things to learn from and I appreciated this.



  1. Compilation of Worksheet from Hillview Steel Ensemble


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, March 15, 2013

New Place from God.

 Date for Entry: (Friday 15th March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I went to my clinic in Port-of-Spain with mommy. Both of us had the same clinic as usual. The pharmacy part is what I did not like the most. It always takes forever to get moving. The best part was leaving the Hospital to visit Simon’s Musical World. I couldn’t wait. On the way there, we took a new route instead of taking all the long walk. Out of the blue, I spot a next Music Store called “The Music House,” which was the name of it.

    At the entrance, I was so shocked at all of the books scattered out on shelves. It was a bit dark and intimidating like in an old antique attic piled up with old books, just as in a Library. But there were a lot of nice books I wished I had at home. Really nice things in there!! I felt like asking Father Time to pause the world a bit, so I can go through all the books. Scary lady in there.

    After passing Globe Cinema and entering the double long black doors of the store, I saw Aunty Paula at the front desk in the back. She hugged me up and then mom. I got “The Recorder Book” part 2, “Michael Jackson This Is It” book of Sheetmusic and another book “Love Songs of the 70’s”. Then before we left, Aunty Paula gave me a lovely black and white T-shirt with a drum kit on it.

    When I reached home, I really wanted to go to school in time for Ms. Saunders' Music Class, which was the last two periods. I didn’t want to go anymore because there were only two more periods left. But mommy was forcing me to go to school because she know I wanted to go. I was glad I had **z** to help me walk up the hill in laughter and comfort. I wasn't feeling good at all walking up the hill to school. Felt like I had ditched school in all.

    The students were all surprised to see me walking into the class. I was feeling like one big fool walking into the school compound with the big blue (NCRHA) Umbrella in my hand. As I walked into the classroom, everyone was silent doing a word search worksheet. 

    Miss Saunders and I spoke by the teacher's table in silence while the others were doing their work. She asked me if I was coming into school and how come. I told her that I came just for Music class after a long day at the clinic and then to Simon's. She gave me the crossword worksheet to do and I happily went and do it in less than three minutes. That was a really good exercise to do. I still cannot believe I lost it after so long too.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Working Hard on my Birthday

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 10th March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

     Today was my birthday. I arranged for Joshua’s dad to pick me up during the day to visit them and finish our Social Studies project with the next boy from school, Alex. Before I left home, Mom and Aunty Vangy was helping me put together a crossword puzzle for the project. I cut a piece of the cake to give them on arriving at their home. Unfortunately, I do not have the large calendar sheet we recycled to create the crossword.

    Joshua’s dad can pick me up at around ten in the morning. Boy? Putting that project together was long and fun too because they played video games. We had lunch together. I took some rich, dhal and Callaloo.

    Later, somewhere in the nighttime, while they were printing the document to put into the folder, I taught them a secret about the printer lid. It was a lid you can pull out and it kept the paper after being sent out of the machine.

    I got home around ten in the night. The red T-shirt and Pants I wore was brand new I got. Then I changed my clothes and then Aunty Vangy and her friend Adrianne came over. She gave me a postcard in a white envelope and then Aunty gave me a Guitar. Then I played Adrianne’s favourite song “Chariots of Fire” on my Finale 2012 Version.


    There were three images of the night aspect of the birthday but were not suitable for sharing. I still have the lovely gift that Joshua gave me. It was a picture frame from the Pan Minors 2012 graduation ceremony.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Basilon Court’s 1st Annual Thanksgiving Service

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 9th March, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 13th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I had to leave my lessons a little early because we were having an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service in Basilon Court. I had to go and perform on my Tenor pan. I didn’t even know that they had sing songs planned to do like “Let there be peace on Earth” and “Give me joy in my heart” I didn’t know most of the songs so I couldn’t play them for the people.

    However, as the priest was making his way up to the podium, he started to sing “Sanctuary” and I said “Oh God” in my mind. After he made us sing it, he watched me and asked if I wasn’t going to back him up with the music. I would have but I needed my xylophone to see how to play it on the pan. Usually, I might need to watch a piano if I had the song worked out there and then play it back on the pan.

After the function had concluded, I had to do a musical interlude with:

  • Human Nature – Michael Jackson
  • Besame Mucho
  • Fantastic Friday – Super Blue
  • Sound of Silence
  • Titanic
  • This is my Father’s World

    While that was done, mom and I talked to some of the neighbours and they wished me a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. Then we went over to Mr. Mahoney’s house to play for him. I remembered the last time we visited, I carried the xylophone and he said that his favourite hymn was “This is my Father’s World.” I knew I didn’t see him at the service so I went to play that same hymn for him.
    Tomorrow will be my 15th Birthday. I had made some arrangements with Joshua’s dad to pick me up tomorrow to visit them, for us to complete a project due for Monday morning. This was a tourism project. We had to make a crossword or a flyer. I did the crossword work with mommy and aunty Vangy later that night.


  1. Thanksgiving Service Program.

Daryl Zion M. Ali