Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Visit to Simon’s Music World

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 23rd November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mom and I both had a clinic at the North West Regional Health Authority (N.W.R.H.A.) in Port-of-Spain. We were going to our Rheumatology Clinic with Dr. Peter Poon–King. This event takes too long. Plus, the pharmacy is another problem. You have to wait to see a pharmacist, wait for them to get the drugs and wait for them to bottle them and give you.

    Afterwards, mom and I took a long walk down to St. Vincent Street passing Globe Cinema and went to Simon’s Musical World. A nice lady named Miss Paula looked happy to see us, even though we don’t even know each other. Mom bought me a scorebook with music and it was called “The Best Songs Ever 7th Edition”

    I would remember that Aunty Paula was telling mom that when we walked into the store she could feel her pores raising and the light shining. What a thing? I felt happy that she was there for us to see her. We went home shortly after getting a bus down at City Gate. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tenor Pan Exam (Preliminary)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 19th November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my first Music Practical Examination in Solo Steelpan. The best part of this was that it was in (D.C.F.A.) Department of Creative and Festival Arts on Gordon Street. I was going to be examined at the Preliminary level. My Examiner for today was Dr. Jeannine Remy. She did some of the musical pieces that I had to learn for the exam and play for the exam.

     Part of the exam was to play a piece of music by the candidate’s choice so I decided to play the "Pathetique Sonata" melody that I learned for the Graduation in Hillview a while ago. I was glad to have the score because Mr. Lewis told me that the Examiner might ask to see a copy of the score. Even though I had it with me, I’m still glad that she didn’t need it because it was my only copy and I really needed it to read from.

    Also, I had to play an exercise that must be played from memory. I was lucky that the page was open for me to see it but I didn’t need it until she pointed out a mistake that I made and was able to correct it on the spot. One question on that, she asked me if I knew how she knew I made this mistake. I really did not know.

    In another part of the examination, Dr. Remy played a piece of music and I had to show a drawing with my hands to do conducting. I had no idea what to do because in class with Mr. Lewis we did not do any of this type of practice AT ALL. Before losing some points, I just started to draw with my hands in the air as she told me to do. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at all for that particular question. On the other hand, I was amazed at the music she played for me on the piano (in Studio 4) to each viva voce question. 

    Dr. Remy gave me some extremely useful tips but unfortunately upon exiting the room, I had forgotten all that she had told me. I still felt ashamed of not knowing how to do the 'conducting' question. I left the room dressed as if I came from Church because I did not know what to wear. I had on my long sleeve white shirt and long black pants with black pants. I’m glad that I got a Distinction in the reports that came back.


  1. DCFA Steelpan Exams Booklet - Prelim & Grade 1 Tenor (2009-2011).** (Permission not granted by school for sharing.)
  2. "Pathetique Sonata" (Steelband Score - Nervine Saunders).
  3. Certificate from Examination (Photograph).

    *** The results sheet was misplaced.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hillview College's Graduation (2011)

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 10th November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my Graduation from Hillview College. It was said to be a big ceremony because of great accomplishments achieved by students in the elder part of the school. I loved the way how the hall was decorated and the excessive long speeches. There were quite a several people to speak around the head table and there were several others from the outer parts.

    Mrs. Zalaya Hassanali was there also. I played with the Steel Ensemble and we had five songs to play on that day. We played the National Anthem, the School's college song, Pathetique Sonata which was an arrangement done by Ms. Saunders’ father, Besame Mucho and Hero.

    There was a lot of students along with their parents and other people stretching way to the end of the sliding glassed entrance doors of the hall. I wondered how come such a small Auditorium could hold so many people. This was a nice joke shared amongst myself and some of the other ensemble members. 

    Several times we'd hear a teacher telling some of them to watch their volumes. It would have been boring after some time for them I'm sure. It was not so boring for me. I felt proud to be in my formalwear again and to be sitting amongst the others and having the opportunity to perform music and be a part of the service.

    The best part for me was that the Programme wasn’t a regular sheet of paper they would hand out and it would be crumpled easily by the end of the event. It was in fact a beautifully crafted booklet. And the better part of that was that I was getting to keep a copy of one so that one day it could have been added to this journal. (I hope if possible that it could be inserted in a clear pocket inside this same journal = original paper-based journal.)

    The Steel Ensemble was only Form 2s. Most of them were from my class as the West class had dominated it. Two other students from the other two Form 2 Classes. They made their name with laughter and chatting as they sat behind the six Bass Pan and talk. 

    Another part I enjoyed of this day was the red and gold chairs. They really did their job of having to sit so long. My tail bone would have been "yelling" in pain after all those hours of the ceremony. This was a very good experience. Hopefully, there will be another graduation where I will get to perform again for the school.


  1. Graduation Programme.**
  2. "Pathetique Sonata" (Steelband Score - Nervin Saunders).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Music Class or Music Talent Show?

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[2011; Form 2]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mom and I went to a School in Couva because we went to prayer at Vijay and the priest boy told us that they had music classes going on. So, we went to see what they did. I was a little scared because I didn’t know if she was going to send me to class to learn an Indian instrument.

    I was not too well at that time with the cold. Nevertheless, it was fun. They had a little concert that day w. And in the middle, they had a sheet of paper to sing from. The music was very nice. The problem was that I couldn’t read Hindi so mommy and I just watched the paper and the English version of Hindi.   



  1. Guru Vandana Lyrics Sheet.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day with Creativity

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 13th February, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in my Form 1 Classroom during the lunchtime period I started to draw something and then decided to paint it. The painting made me want to just jump into this dimension, where I could just leave and release all the bad feelings of pain and sorrow. The time of the day provided a good opportunity to do the creative work so I took it and went with it.

    The one with the hills and the waterfall was one that I gave my friend Ria, as a present. I wrapped it up in a brown envelope and gave her it. 

    The other was given to a friend who somehow like it and wanted it. I did not mind so I gave him the painting.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week (2011) - BTOFF

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th August, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the closing ceremony for the World Breastfeeding Week done by (BOFFI) Breastmilk the Official First Food. This was in the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC), where I had to play the National Anthem on the pan and mommy had to perform her Perriot Grenada monologue as the Official Mascot of Mount Hope Women’s Hospital. 


  1. World Breastfeeding Week 2011 - (BTOFF Program)
  2. Pierrot Grenada Monologue

Daryl Zion M. Ali

World Breastfeeding Week (2011) - TIBS

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th June, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    I had a very happy day when I carried my Tenor pan down to the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain. I had to play the National Anthem in my yellow T-shirt at the beginning of the annual breastfeeding walk for TIBS.

    After the walk, mommy had to do her performance while everyone else was sitting down under the tents at Girls' Guide Headquarters eating their breakfast. I had to help mom do sign language because this year’s theme was “Talk to me! Breastfeeding a 3D Experience.”

    The food every year always taste great. I won a prize when they called out numbers from the tickets they keep. It was a hamper with flour and other cooking things.


  1. Pierrot Grenada Monologue

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pan Case Rush

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 3rd August 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mommy and I went down to Panland again to purchase a pan case. It was to protect the pan as it was going up on the boat for Tobago. The journey was really not a simple one.

    First of all, mom had to pay with her card and their machine wasn’t working again. The lady at the desk took us over to Angostura to pay but their machine wasn’t working too. So, we went to First Citizens to access the money but then they had a problem or some kind of hold up. Then we went up the road to Republic Bank and then return to the store.

    It was a big heavy and black leather case. The cost was $1,281.00. I did not want mom to buy it because when I heard she had to pay with some of the Tobago money, she might not be able to pay back for it. But she wanted the pan to stay safe in Aunty Maraline's car when it travelled over to Tobago.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Form 1 - Music Exam - Term 3 (Final)

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[FORM 1 - TERM 3 - 2011]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021) 

(Entry as Update) 

Dear Diary,

    This was a past Form One examination for music done at the end of the third term. At this point in my life, music theory with how much I would have taught and trained myself alone may have been plenty but still not enough. I was not given that type of education where a teacher would explain certain terms and concepts in detail for me to understand.

    I can see from this exam that a good attempt was made by myself but I also saw the need for further learning required. Question six of all was the first most unfair part of the examination. After I viewed the paper before writing this entry (in 2021), I saw that most of it were exercises taken from a music theory workbook that was perhaps an American one.

    It was not fair to me that there were questions asked on note names by fractions. In addition, on the final page, a crossword puzzle that may have to seem a bit troublesome to a student would not be advised by myself in future as a teacher. It reminded me of the General Musicianship 1 and 2 textbooks used at UWI and also the Aural Training 1 and 2. Overall, I did appreciate the attempt made at creating a final exam while participating in answering the questions. 

    I reviewed the message to Miss Saunders and can recall a teacher once telling me in a smaller age that it was a rule to write everything in pencil. I had this encountered message with that particular teacher when doing an assignment in pen. In those younger ages myself, I did not like to write music in pencil but my pen. Even if it was writing out a piece of music by myself for fun in a manuscript book. To date, I came to realise that maybe the teacher was trying to pull a joke but still wonder if it was a warning.



  1. Form 1 Music Theory Exam (Final).

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Instrument Assignment

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[2010: Form 1 West]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my marking deadline for Music Class with Ms. Saunders. She gave us the assignment to create a musical instrument without having to go into a Music Store to purchase one. The instrument had to make music and we were required to make a group performance. The moment I showed Ms. Saunders the xylophone, the whole class was in a moment of awkward silence and that was very nervous-making for me. 

    When I had to perform, it felt amazing because the wind that accompanied me in the atmosphere was heavenly. It made me feel the music as I was playing the sound. I had decided to play Amazing Grace in C Major. The format Vinod and I used only made the instrument that particular key. We took the entire day to get the material at the hardware and to get it cut in the workshop downstairs.

    After a boy called me and I went to join their group that I did not want to be with. It was an easy piece of music I didn’t learn but heard a while ago and got out right on the spot. How cool? It was just the four of us and they had a Shac-Shac, a Drum and a "guitar" looking instrument. I'm sure that we got a high mark for group performance. 


    Coming back home to Tunapuna (house three) from our weekend trip in Couva, Mommy and I put the xylophone together. We used a glue gun and stuck the rod pieces onto two strips of sponge. 

    The biggest question was about mallets in my mind. The instructions we got did not provide us anything so we got two old markers and stuck large macrame beads on the marker covers. I wished we stick the covers onto the marker so they wouldn't fall off. Overall, I'm very glad that the presentation and coursework assignment was done well.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aramalaya Presbyterian Church Anniversary (130th)

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 20th February, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 24th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today at four in the afternoon was the 130th Anniversary service for the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad & Tobago. The Youth Group had to perform for the Church Service “Thine be the Glory” as a Steelpan Ensemble. I was surprised that in a Christian Church they sing Hindu songs too. Before the Service started, Mr. Lackhan gave us in the Youth Steel Orchestra a small little flashlight with the 130th Anniversary logo on it. 


  1. Aramalaya Presbyterian Church Anniversary (130th) Programme

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Old Piano Scores & Lessons

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 8th February, 2011)

[FORM 1 - TERM 2]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today at piano Lessons by Dr. Charles Brunner, we went through the piece Chopsticks and I also saved a piece of music my friend from Class gave me when he went to Mr. Brunner’s class as well “Ode To Joy”. When he sent me inside to class with the Assistant, he printed some Sheetmusic from his computer. It was called “Variation 2 – Andante”.

    I felt like I could scream in fright when I saw the music. The Assistant opened her eyes wide. After the first few attempts of the first system, we went through the C Major scale in two octaves, which was horrible, and then the difficult ABRSM Grade 2 pieces.


    I did not last much longer at Dr. Brunner's school. The stay was a few weeks after my birthday in March. Sometime after while travelling along with El Dorado Road daddy and I discovered that the apartment area, where he had the classes, was empty and that he had moved out. I appreciated the time learning from him and was still very interested when he showed me hand signals using melodic solfege.


  1. Scores from Dr. Brunner: (1) Chopsticks & (2) Ode to Joy and Andante (Variation 2). [Permission was not granted.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Go Now in Peace"

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 20th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I found an old sheet of paper of music that was in my possession since my Form one days in the Youth Group when aunty Carol who conducted the choir came to teach us the choral benediction for the church services called “Go Now In Peace.” At the time the group for pan payers were not very big again. I knew it was somewhere around but after a while, I got to learn it by heart and then I also made over a new score from the Musescore program on the computer.



  1. "Go Now in Peace" (Melody)


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Exciting Steelpan Requests

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 13th January, 2011)

[FORM 1 - TERM 2]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today at the end of enjoying a double period of music class, I rushed up to the table Ms. Saunders was sitting by to hand her my letter before she could leave to go to the staffroom. I met her in time and she took the letter. As I gave it to her, she read it from the small brown package envelope and she told me "okay". The letter was basically about asking permission to join the Steel Ensemble at school every Tuesday and Thursday.


    At the time of joining the ensemble, I believe the previous ensemble members were gone and only a few of us from Form One were there. Throughout the entire stay, it was only us in the year that had continued service to the school. Only three in our year group came and left. The rest were to stay until the end of Form Five and those in Form Six remained. In truth, it was wonderful to be the tenor pan section leader for those five years in my stay at Hillview College.



  1. Request Letter to join Hillview College's Steel Ensemble.

Daryl Zion M. Ali