Friday, July 7, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #37) – Day #168

Date for Entry: (Friday 07 July 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (August 2023)

[T3, W:12 – D:56, (Td:0)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got into the UTT compound very early. We were going on the Toco trip as a little get-together for Mrs. Rogers-Small’s retirement. I left my timesheet on the desk in the office for the others to get. Daddy got pies for breakfast and I finished it in the kitchen before heading onto the bus. Everyone was taking too long and coming in late.

    We heard Miss Pope yelling for everyone to get on the bus and in their cars. Many other teachers were very surprised that I was going on the Toco trip. Everyone also complimented the cake that I made on the evening after Mrs. Rogers-Small’s retirement function. The bus drove out of the compound at 9:00  and other vehicles followed behind.

    There was a need to stop for gas in Tacarigua. Miss Harris ran out into the grocery to get her snacks which took longer. Along the way, Miss Mustapha joined us. She took her to show us the place where she was staying. The view was amazing. She was the DJ for the rest of the ride going and coming back until she was dropped off. Reggae music was the genre for the trip.

    There was a lot of lovely scenery to admire. One of the teachers said that a lot of people go to foreign places for sightseeing and the best is right in your backyard. I agreed. At 2:00 in the evening, we arrived at a dinner and bar where everyone ate lunch. We took some pictures there as a group and I had some solo too. I took my hat with me so my hair wouldn’t blow all over the place. Before the bus could go down to the beachside, there was a dance and whine segment for some of the teachers on the bus.

    The sun was really hot on the beach. It burned my foot. Had to keep my sandals on. I wished I had packed a pair of slippers with me. You couldn’t even bathe on the beach because it had stone all over the floor. There was a smaller pool that everyone else was in. That water wasn’t salty but the hot sun fired us up. I went and I enjoyed myself in the water with Mrs Santana, Mr Charles and his wife and the driver. All the others were in the shade far away. Mr Banes came in afterwards. Mrs Patel, Miss Burnette and some others came our way and sat on the side. We learned that ‘Kimmy’ was engaged to Mr Mahase who came for the ride.

    We had another time to get hurried but by Miss Pope at 3:00. The ladies on the bus took longer. I got someone to pass me bags and I changed in a secured area. There was a stop for ice cream and boiled corn. I stayed and limed with Miss Burnette and others while everyone was a long walk down the road. Somehow on the ride coming back, I got very angry. Not sure where it came from. I killed it with my favourite worship songs. It was 6:30 when we got into the compound. Rain burst down and Andrew was angry. There was a leadership course but I didn’t bother again. Was tired and slept early.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:02 am – 6:35 pm)

Thursday, July 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #37) – Day #167

Date for Entry: (Thursday 06 July 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (August 2023)

[T3, W:12 – D:55, (Td:0)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with one student in maxi today. We were met by the Safety Officer. A lot of people were in the office this morning for the graduation ceremony. The principal did not like how the desk was instead of the school itself. I took my time today. Strangely it didn’t have many cars in the car park. It took a while to finish breakfast in the admin kitchen. Tried an LLB with my pies and it was really good cold. I heard Miss Baka laughing and talking about people in a hidden room with another lady behind the wall.

    From 9:30 to 1:58 I got some work on my Season 20 book for Project Runway. I completed the important words section in chapter four and did the journal entries for that same chapter. There was a strange story with a running lady outside (“Miranda”). A lot of the teachers cleared out early too. Didn’t eat any of the food that they offered for the graduation. Preferred to go without food as usual.

    I remained working in the staffroom in the corner working on my journal entries. Miss Donald, Mrs Rogers-Small and Mrs Santana were sitting with me and we were chatting there. The school also emptied early. I stayed back chatting with ‘GG’. Under the tent opposite the library, I spoke with Miss Gloria and ‘Bianca’ before returning to the staffroom. I saw ‘Tia’ in a lovely red dress. Got a ride from Miss St. Louis and heard music from Zariel: “Leave the Door Open” and “Dasdev Theme”.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:38 am – ?:?? pm)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #37) – Day #166

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 05 July 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (August 2023)

[T3, W:12 – D:54, (Td:0)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with one student in maxi today. We were met by the Safety Officer. A lot of people were in the office this morning for the graduation ceremony. The principal did not like how the desk was instead of the school itself. I took my time today. Strangely it didn’t have many cars in the car park. It took a while to finish breakfast in the admin kitchen. Tried an LLB with my pies and it was really good cold. I heard Miss Baka laughing and talking about people in a hidden room with another lady behind the wall.

    From 9:30 to 1:58 I got some work on my Season 20 book for Project Runway. I completed the important words section in chapter four and did the journal entries for that same chapter. There was a strange story with a running lady outside (“Miranda”). A lot of the teachers cleared out early too. Didn’t eat any of the food that they offered for the graduation. Preferred to go without food as usual.

    I remained working in the staffroom in the corner working on my journal entries. Miss Donald, Mrs Rogers-Small and Mrs Santana were sitting with me and we were chatting there. The school also emptied early. I stayed back chatting with ‘GG’. Under the tent opposite the library, I spoke with Miss Gloria and ‘Bianca’ before returning to the staffroom. I saw ‘Tia’ in a lovely red dress. Got a ride from Miss St. Louis and heard music from Zariel: “Leave the Door Open” and “Dasdev Theme”.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:38 am – ?:?? pm)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #37) – Day #165

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 04 July 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 07 August 2023)

[T3, W:12 – D:53, (Td:0)*].

Dear Diary,

    I had a strange driver today. I came alone and was very alone in the office. I was the only one there. ‘Tia’ came into the office some minutes after very busy and she remained in the conference room. I had breakfast in the kitchen where I met Miss Mustapha and we spoke for a short time. She told me about counting my time off from school during vacations. She said that I would need to know it for when my two years of contract is finished.

    When I got back to the office, I saw Mrs Santana. She had to speak to me about the programme. I  also showed her the cake that I also made for the function later that evening. Kiel got to see the cake that I made on the way back to the kitchen. There was one for the office staff and one for the function. A message was sent in the OJT chat for the others to know. I signed the book late too.

    I spent two hours in the staffroom and felt tired. Heavy rain and dark sky like night. Went to the spec room and worked on the same Form 3 mathematics that I was reading yesterday. Still couldn’t get out the simultaneous equations. I had gotten so lost in working out some of the questions that I forgot about the staff meeting.

    Mrs Santana met me in the specialist room and she said that everything was getting ready for the function. She had the office staff print out a copy of the programme that I made last night for the first preview before running all the rest through the printer. I took a look at the copy with her and it was beautiful. She had the rest printed off and left to go see about something. I folded the programmes and headed off to the library.

    My bookstand was taken from home to school for the event. I had it set up in the office before taking it over to the library. A tenor pan was taken from the music room. Thankfully it was opened for me to enter. No one was there anymore. I gave Mrs Santana the programs on her way to the library. ‘GG’ and I went to the art room to get the T-shirts. Miss Gittens was having her nails done. A small issue with the arrangement of the room was fixed quickly. The performers came and students participating came too and the function began exactly at 1:30 pm.

    The function began with the National Anthem that I played. The student to do that couldn’t so I filled in for them. ‘Mel’ played “My Tribute” on his violin. Some of the other performances and items were quick. I was not nervous about the performance. I gave Miss Gittens the ‘clapping pen’ that we used in evening rehearsals to keep the pulse. Everyone began correctly and the audience enjoyed the dancing.

    Sometime after the function, I got the function cake from the kitchen fridge and then shared it with the performers first. Miss Gittens got her piece first. Miss Harris took half of Mrs Santana’s slice and Donna got the second half. They ended up wanting more and that dish was finished. From the office dish, who was there got. The teachers who wanted more got more and the last was given to Joshua.

    I washed up Mommy’s baking dishes in the kitchen when Mrs Santana came to eat her lunch. We had a good laugh talking about today and some things that happened.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 4:13 pm)

Monday, July 3, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #37) – Day #164

Date for Entry: (Monday 03 July 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 07 August 2023)

[T3, W:12 – D:52, (Td:0)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came in the maxi alone to Valsayn. I met up with Mr Marlon on the way walking in while we spoke. I spoke with Mrs Santana and Mrs Rogers-Small when they came to sign in the office. I had breakfast in the kitchen. I took some time working in the ‘specialist room’ where I spent forty-five minutes reading from a Form 3 mathematics textbook. ‘Doctor’ came in late. There was no sign of Miss Chote around.

    Kiel and Isekel were in the office after I left to go to the staffroom. It was very empty in there. At 10:06, I finished cropping the images for my Project Runway Season 20 book. Many of them came back from the road race that took off about an hour and a half from the school’s commencement.

    I went back to the specialist room to transfer the image onto my laptop and fix the page numbering in the document before rehearsal could begin in the library. Chapters one and two were completed. Chapter 3 had to do. Chapter 4 has the majority of work to do before Chapter 5 comes this Thursday. I didn’t know when Miss Roberts came this morning. Saw the car outside around the fourth period. The Form 1 marks for this term were sent off by email last night.

    Around the seventh and eighth periods that evening, Mrs Santana sat with me and we finished the programme. She suggested that I put the words to the songs on the programme if I needed things to take up blank parts of the paper. Some of the images that she got from students were sent to me. I also found some on Facebook that she got via WhatsApp from me.

    The rest of it was finished on a ride to Curepe. We had a good laugh when Mrs Allen-Brown asked her question in the office. Very late in the night, the programme was finished. It was sent off to Mrs Santana by email for review.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:06 am – 3:09 pm)