Monday, September 9, 2019

Music Education 1 - (MUSC 3501)

Date for Entry: (Monday 9th September 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 21st March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This was the night of the Indian Classical Ensemble’s recital. I had decided to dress up in my Indian clothing to class. I did have a choice from Mr. Sharma to do my presentation during the previous class and while sitting there, I wished I took on the offer. Because I was already dressed in my teacher-like clothing for the presentation.


  1. Course Outline.



* Unknown Date *

I recall that there were two assignments to be submitted by email. Both were marked out of five points. We were asked to select three characteristics of a good teacher and provide a mission statement for ourselves. The next one asked us to write three journal entries on learning theories discussed in class. Some of us in the class had to do over the assignment because of low scoring marks.


  1. Characteristics Assignment.** [FILE LOST.]
  2. Journal Entries Assignment.** [FILE LOST.]


* Unknown Date *

In this class, the students had to get the pans set up. Everyone rushed over to the pans when Mr. Sharma said that the ones who have left the band had to do the writing. For at the time, I was not behind a pan and had to do the writing. I knew that he was going to let us write up the methodology of the class. I was panicked because this part of creating the lesson plan was difficult for me. I was glad that I had to write it out with the five other remainders because we got all the practice. My pencil notes are in the document provided.

    The class was also told the word rote learning. I remembered when Zara taught me that word in church long ago. I did not volunteer to share my version of the methodology because I was still wondering how wrong it would have been. I felt confident because when we went through it together in class, it became easier to understand. At the end of the document are some questions that were done in the last class of the semester.


  1. Rote & Methodology Class Notes.



* Unknown Date *

I was placed into a group of five. The UWI Andrew was one of them. We had about two weeks to prepare our work for class. Each group was responsible for teaching the class the course work for the day. We had prepared a short calypso lesson for the steelpan using the "Ode to Joy". A lesson plan was also required for submission to Mr. Sharma by email. Another requirement was to produce PowerPoint slides for the presentation. The group had decided that I would do it. The same night I decided to put the PowerPoint together. 

    Unfortunately, as the time progressed, the group went ahead and did over an entire PowerPoint behind my back and by looking at them after the presentation, I saw that they regretted it in the end when we got feedback that Sir did not want our presenters reading everything from the PowerPoint. I really wished they had used what I had suggested. I'm just glad that it was not for marks.

    For the saved PDFs of the PowerPoints, there were several recordings used in the file. They may not be able to play.


  1. "Ode to Joy" - Steelpan Arrangement.
  2. "Ode to Joy" - Lesson Plan.
  3. "Ode to Joy" - Group PowerPoint Presentation.**
  4. "Ode to Joy" - Group PowerPoint Presentation (My Version).


    * Unknown Date *

    Another group presentation was a duo between me and another boy in class. It did not take us long to put the work together. Our topic was Meaningful Reception. It was one that a lot of people in the class did not want to do but it was alright. We had a PowerPoint which I had volunteered to do again. There were also some videos in there that would not be able to play because of the PDF formatting. This time around we did not do a lesson plan. Ketje did the music scoring and helped find some of the videos we showed to the class on YouTube.


    1. Meaningful Reception - PowerPoint.


    * Monday 25 November 2019 *

    **search for possible email

    The presentation began with a really smooth jazz song called “Brazil”. I’m glad that everyone enjoyed it. I must have lost the two points from Mr. Sharma because of playing it too long. One thing I know for sure was that my PowerPoint for this presentation had nothing except titles and then images of my worksheets and appendices.

        Basically, my assignment was to prepare a lesson plan on a chosen topic and present it to the course members as if we were in an actual classroom. My chosen topic was on introducing the genre Samba to a Form One class. Everything I had to say was typed out in the lesson plan that I had to submit. I had a copy of my on to speak from with my own notes. This assignment was easier than I thought and I was able to get the class to do some of the activities for the lesson itself.

        Over some time, I got my grade and it was 18 out of 20. I still felt proud of this mark. After that presentation, I had to pack up and head over to Lecture Room 1 in Cheeseman Building for the Indian Classical Ensemble recital. On that evening too, Nadara and Dad were supposed to come. 


    1. Final Presentation - Lesson Plan.
    2. Final Presentation - PowerPoint.
    3. Misha, Monma & Jussi Halme – Brazil.

    Daryl Zion M. Ali

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