Monday, April 30, 2018

FINALS - Degree (Yr2 Sem1)

 Date for Entry: (Monday 30th April 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 26th January 2022)

[Written as Report.]

    The content below is an account of my final examinations for this semester. All documentation that was provided to me at the end of each examination and still is in my possession will be provided by links below.


  • Final Exam Timetable (Yr1 Sem2).**



*** Monday 30th April 2018. ***

Today is Monday and the first weekday after the end of the semester. I never like it when they do us that with a final exam in the English courses. It was a nine o’clock exam in the morning and to be held in JFK Auditorium. That was another thing. The hall always was a human freezer in the morning.

    When I got my question paper and they told us to begin, I took some time to select the question. I still did the sentence outline from the other course and began. A lot of thanks to Miss Dennis for properly discussing how to do the introduction. I had my worries towards the end of the exam. I did not feel so confident about these finals at all. I hope that it would be alright in the end.




*** Tuesday 8th May 2018. ***

The examination for this course was very long and a lot of confusion was needed. I honestly needed to lay down after the exam. There were not many pages in the script but we had to do a lot of music notation. I sometimes find the time should be three hours instead of two because they keep us in class for three hours.

    I did my best and handed it up with just a few more minutes left. Justin and I had a short chat on the outside. We had the exam up at MD3 with the dangerous gallery. I loved the view from there. We spoke about the exam, the degree and how we both wanted to give up and withdraw from the programme and aural training. This really was a hard year with an unbelievable amount of classes.


  • Music Theory 2 – (Final Exam) Candidate’s Receipt.**



** Friday 11th May 2018. **

This exam was a second trip up to MD3 after Music Theory 2. I can remember meeting my cousin Joshua out in the drive-in when I got out of the car. I was running close to the starting time of the exam with about less than ten minutes to go put my bag and get up those numerous steps so I couldn’t stop to speak to Joshua. I also met up with someone from Hillview. It was a while. Only a handshake was passed as he was busy in his books.

    The exam went longer than expected. I know I used up all of the time. A lot of us used up all our time and the class walked down together. A lot of terms and definitions I could not remember. At one point I felt like I was not going to do so well in this exam. I just tried to finish out all of the questions and leave them as they were.

    As soon as I got back my bag, I wrote the name of the course onto the top right-hand corner of the receipt and placed it into my folder. On the trip back home, it felt like a huge relief that this was done and over with. I have individual performance exams to go and Aural Training again.


  • History of Western Music 2 – (Final Exam) Candidate’s Receipt.**



** Tuesday 15th May 2018. **

    On this day my individual steelpan exam took place. I was not first this time but probably second or third. The two pieces that I presented to the jury were “Utsav Ki Awaz” (Festival of Voices) and “Pan Parranda”. I had the two bookstands I used measured to the right height and then took them into Studio 4t the jury. “Amazing how nervousness knows how tuh kick in all of as sudden,” I said to myself in the mind. I gave the information they needed then began the first piece.

Link(s) for Scores:

  • Utsav Ki Awaz.** 
  • Pan Parranda.**



** Thursday 15th May 2018. **

    I got this exam in the evening. It was fine as usual. One surprising thing was that in the labelling of scales section, Mrs. Neaves had to play for the listening and answering part. Our choices were major, minor, pentatonic and harmonic minor. The minutes she played the melodic minor scale in the thing I looked at her seriously waiting for that second playing just to make sure.

    I wanted to wait for someone else to say something just in case. Then Ketje next to me paused the exam for the invigilator to tend to him. Then when miss came over from behind the piano in a rush, she spoke softly with the invigilator and she said, “NO Change!” and went back behind the piano. At the second playing, she continued with the melodic minor.

    The rest of the exam was good. The second half of that written exam was just simply music theory questions to fill out. Some of us at the end of the exam had a good laugh.




    I had to wait a long while for the results to come out. Usually, they take three months for the system to do that. The English course was not good apparently. Just a few points more in that final. Not sure when exactly I would be doing over those courses I and I hope it is not soon. It has really been a long academic year. I hope the next one coming ain’t gonna be so wild.


  • Grade Details.**
  • Transcript (Year 1).**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Diaspora Concert (2018)

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Saturday 2018]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 25th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Diaspora Concert is here again. For me, it is now the Diaspora exam. The two-day examination asks for the most unbelievable and tests you more than a student. This is the only I view it, personally. For the event, I played music with two groups. Listed below are the groups and the music they played.


  1. Backstage Directory.



Other versions can be found in the Indian Classical entry for this particular semester.

  1. Chura Liya - (Version 9).
  2. Gulabi Aakhen - (Version 5).
  3. Ek Ajnabi - (Version 9).


INTERMEDIATE ENSEMBLE[Permission was not granted.]

  1. Redemption Song.
  2. One Note Samba.
  3. Milap. 
  4. Hallelujah.
  5. Sonata No. 14, Op.27, No.2. 
  6. Night Shift. 
  7. Full of Vibes.

    I was not able to get a program for the even but only the backstage directory. I can recall carrying three sets of clothing to the event. I dressed up in my Indian wear for the beginning. 

    I never like to change backstage with everyone before the program starts. I feel comfortable changing at home in my Indian wear and then going down to Daaga. Usually, the Indian Classical Ensemble is supposed to start the show and then there would be performances from the Indian Classical class on Thursdays and then the World Music group of the certificate program. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

'Lifesaver' Challenge - School of Composition

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 4th April 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 25th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I decided to participate in the April challenge. It was posted on April 4th 2018. This challenge came from a lady named Barbara. She took care of a boy named Max during the period of ailment. The challenge as I realised was to be compiled all submissions and create a gift for Barbara for her birthday. I am happy to say that the painting I made was used as the cover of the CD they compiled the songs on.

    For this challenge, we were allowed to select one note alone for the letter R in B-A-R-B-A-R-A. I used four instruments in his process. In the review of the music recording, I’m still a bit shy over it. It did not sound like something I should have submitted. I was still convinced by an aunty to continue it. I see in the feedback they did not go to the second section which was really messy but fun, lolz.

    Painting was another difficult thing to do. No ideas were coming to me.  It ended up making me send in my submission close to the deadline again. I decided to draw an angel lady standing on the base of the mountain with other taller mountains around her. There was a larger river to the far end of the scene when I saw her.


  • ‘Lifesaver’ Feedback & Critique Video. (6:13 was feedback)

Daryl Zion M. Ali