Thursday, May 4, 2017

Music Literatures of the Steelpan (Final Exam)

Date for Entry: (Thursday 4th May, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 24th November, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my steelpan literature examination and I was so nervous and confused about what to learn. I went to make some notes for the exam and study them just in case. The whole semester made us feel like we did nothing apart from all of the hard labouring work in coursework assignments

    Dr. Remy had asked us to take our time during the finals because students usually finish it within the first thirty minutes. I really made sure to take my time. I was the last one to finish the examination because they said to use the question paper to write the answers in and at that time, I had already done all of the answers in my answer booklet. I re-wrote the whole thing. 

    I could see that the examiners were all so tired of waiting. I didn’t like having to keep them back but I was ensuring that I had things down to get my marks. For the questions with books and authors that was not good because I couldn’t remember all. The notes are in the back. 

    Two jokes in the exam, while I was still doing my work, Reon yawn and moaned out with his hands up. The six invigilators and I burst out in laughter. Then while I was going to ask a question, three of thought I was ready to hand up and walked right into each other. I had to stop the girl in front of them and then ask them what was the name of the green booklet. The tired feller in the red said that I could call it an answer booklet. I could see the hard look on his face. It was exactly one more minute to make three o'clock when I gave my papers up. I then saw the looks on all the class members' faces upon exiting studio four.



  1. Steelpan Literature Candidate's Receipt & Study Notes.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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