Friday, February 27, 2015

Stress with Hillview Music Teacher

 Date for Entry: (Friday 27th February, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today at lunchtime in Hillview I went up to the staff room to see Miss Saunders about the CXC music School-Based Assessment (SBA). I showed her an amended scrap copy of the SBA that Mr Bartolome went through with me. I was not sure about the deadline date to hand up the SBA and so I told her that all the other subject teachers were collecting their projects to hand into CXC. 

    She told me that she called Ms. Graham and she said that the deadline was to be submitted a long time ago. So, the two of us went down to the Deans' office. Ms. Saunders was going to ask for some advice from Miss Brooks. The three of us had been in a deep conversation about this same project for about half an hour. While Ms. Brooks left getting angry, Ms. Saunders sat down with me by a small table in the same office and we both went through the project. I didn’t like having to be so unprepared because I didn’t know about the things to do for the SBA and time was now of the essence. Miss Saunders too seem like she didn't want to go through this. 

    We both took the sixth to eighth periods in the deans' office to do this. And then Ms. Lalchan came in to help us print some forms after they called Ms. Graham again over the telephone. She had said that the marks were to be submitted over the computer by midnight that night. 

    Miss Brooks had to beg Ms. Saunders to correct the SBA for me and then I had to promise to bring Miss Brooks a roti by Monday for getting Miss Saunders to correct the SBA. 

    Then Ms. Saunders told us the story about how a student who wanted to do music couldn’t because she was "judging for Panorama and then the time for marking his SBA was done over." I just felt so bad and remembered that morning earlier in the week before assembly when Ifeaye told me he wasn’t bothering to do the Music course for CXC again and I knew that it would be tough for him especially with those labs he had to do. 

    After that was done, Ms. Saunders told me to go and collect my bags from class and to meet her back by the Vice Principal’s office. Ms. Lalchan was acting Vice-Principal at that time of the school term. She had made copies of Music forms for CXC music three different times because both Ms. Saunders and I didn’t know which forms were for which project. There were also the same sets that had to be filled out separate by myself, Miss Saunders and the person to mark the project. 

    On reaching back to Ms. Lalchan’s office, Ms. Saunders came in after and she sat beside Ms. Lalchan. They both went through all the information with me on the side of the Computer table. They put in my name and the Ifeaye’s names into the mark sheet of CXC’s score sheet since we were the only two students who registered to do the music. They had to put an Ungraded (U) for Ifeaye because he didn’t submit the SBA. Ms. Lalchan told us, "If you don’t do the SBA, it comes as if you didn’t give an account of the work you’ve done for the past two years."

    Well, I can understand he couldn’t make it because of the science and had to write up all of those labs. For me, I wish I had all of those labs to write up. They are so enjoyable to me and fun to write up. Thank God he sent Ms. Lalchan to teach us Integrated Science. She was a better teacher in this subject for me than the other three who stepped in to carry on our class. Even that class did not have a teacher. 

    In the end, Ms. Saunders was asked by Ms. Lalchan, what grade she should give me. Then she asked me and I told her a two (II) because Ms. Ramnarine told her class before I left it, that when she put a grade, CXC usually gives you another either above or below. This was my chance to hopefully aim for a one (I) but it will take so much for that Paper one Set Work of which I am definitely not prepared or even ready for. 

    Before I left school, I meet Ms. Saunders back up where we both had this long eventful evening to get the syllabus. I wanted to photocopy it because it had vital information about the whole course and I had to be prepared for what was expected, especially for what was coming and to see if I had to do more things we both did not know about.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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