Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Meeting with a new Music Teacher

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 25th February, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today this afternoon, dad picked me up very early in Honeymoon Ground outside of the school compound. We were both going up to Mr. Lewis’ School in Trincity. He had helped me to get some knowledge about some information about the CXC music from another music teacher.

    Arriving at the school’s compound, I didn’t have an extra notebook to take notes so I took my Information Technology notebook instead and used the back like the Quran. The security made us sign an attendance book and then I met Denisa who played for Panorama with me in Starlift last year. She helped us to get to the correct classroom.

    Shortly after, Mr. Lewis came to check up on us before he left school. Then there were a lot of things to learn but I took it all down. But I knew that Mr. Lewis told me the reason why I shouldn’t have taken this CXC class. It would be extremely difficult to complete a two-year course in one month and that with this Music Programme and there is always more to learn that is required for the examination. I could feel a lot of work needed and in my mind, I was aware of the short space of time remaining for me to do it.

    Mr. Bartolome showed me the difference between polyphonic and monophonic musical textures with the “Hallelujah Chorus” in the Symphony form using only voices. Some other thing I needed to know was done in brief. He also explained how a teacher is expecting to see the assignment upon submission. a copy of the assignment in the draft was emailed before the meeting.

    Meanwhile, he went through the same SBA again and told me that the examiners wants it to be in point form instead of being in essay format because it would be easy for the moderator to mark. He then told me that I was missing most of the things needed for the analysis so he printed out a mark sheet and showed me. He also pointed out that I can try to use commercials with different genres to give a better comparison.

    I asked him for some tips about the compositions and arrangement and for on the set works. He could not believe me when I told him the problem with Ms Saunders and me not having a Music Room in school and didn’t start the two-year Course for CXC Music. So, then he told me that I can ask Mr. Lewis for some help with the set works. 

    We left the school soon after. The lesson spent had given me some confidence and more encouragement to keep going on forward with the CXC music. That night I took out and rearranged the things in the advertisement analysis’ I did for the SBA. I went to search for advertisements on YouTube for better comparison that night. I had the mark sheet that Mr. Bartolome gave to find easy ones I might be able to do

    It ended the day which was a really tough day at school with one of the most heartbreaking conversations I had to go through. I hope that this person could forgive me for all the wrong I have done even though I do not deserve it. The problem is rising and I'm still in all this hurt. Jesus, please help me. Maybe more rain can come to assist with this situation.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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