Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Electricity is a Need

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[2014; Form 4]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 6th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today in Hillview after Recess, the whole school was sent to the Auditorium for an important function. It was lightly decorated all except for the parts by the pans in the right-hand section of the stage. We had soon found out that the energy minister, Mr. Kevin Ramnarine was coming to host an Energy Conference. They made two advertisements to show the students in the auditorium. The music was lovely so I was looking forward to seeing if it would appear on television. 

    The Steel Ensemble had to play the National Anthem to start off the conference. I felt quite proud to play it. The next surprising part was that Ms. Francesca Hawkins was there. It took me three looks over to final recognise who the person was since she did not mention her name. There were no programmes given for this function.

    At the end of the conference, they had food made in little plastic containers. So, then I saw Miss Hawkins. I just wait in the back of two boys who was speaking to her. She was answering a question that to be a reporter it is possible to have a second job at the same time. And then it was my time. 

    It took me a lot of courage to as for her autograph, Lolz. She looked into her black cloth bag they gave us and she signed a page in a notepad they gave us too. She tore it out and gave it to me. I went back to class to have lunch and I carried with me a large smile on my face. Unfortunately, the bell went and we didn’t get to have our hunch. So, Mrs. Mahase our English teacher allowed us to eat during that period.   



  1. Autograph from Ms. Franchisca Hawkins.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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