Thursday, August 6, 2020

Agar Tum Na Hote

Date for Entry: (Thursday 6th August 2020)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    My friend Brandon Poonwassie from DCFA degree program was getting married around this time. He made a YouTube video playing the song “Agar Tum Na Hote” on the keyboard and was accompanied by two other gentlemen. One of the two men played drums in the studio.

    I decided that I would listen to the recording and notate it for steelpan like I usually would for the Indian Classical Ensemble on Monday nights. It came up to three pages and a portion of one day to complete this exercise. It was emailed and I hope it is useful.

    Unfortunately, when looking for the video on YouTube I was not sure I it was set as a private or unlisted one. I can only provide a recording of the score from Musescore.



  1. “Agar Tum Na Hote” - (Score).
  2. “Agar Tum Na Hote” (Recording).**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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