Thursday, June 6, 2019

Law & Gov (Trial 2) & TEXTBOOK

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Summer: July 2019]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    After some months of completing the Law, Governance, Economy and Society course, I was able to do over the textbook within two months and three weeks. This was my second time doing the course and the final one hundred percent examination. I decided to do Law instead of Economic, Society, and Governance with questions 1, 4, and 8. I was very pleased with the grade that came.

    During the course, we were told that the office had made copies of the missing manual pages for us. I was glad to get it so that the rest of my version could be completed as a finished book. There were several areas in which I found that diagrams and other illustrations were necessary. I attended all the classes this time which at nine to twelve in the morning on both Thursday and Friday.

*Picture off errata sheet & doc.


  1. Candidate’s Receipt & Question Paper.
  2. Textbook (DAPHA Projects).** [For Request by Email.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, June 3, 2019

Writing for Academic Purposes (Trial 2)

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[Summer 2019]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This summer semester I decided to take the Writing for Academic course again. I was repeating it and I really hoped to pass it and have it behind me. I did have a lot of interesting classes. The teacher for this course was Dr. Keisha Evans-Dixon and she was also my tutor for the tutorials on Tuesdays. Classes were on Monday and Wednesdays 4:00-6:00pm in the engineering building.


  1. Course Outline (Summer 2019).



* Unknown/Forgotten Date *

    It was the first day of the tutorial for the course. Unfortunately, I missed the first course yesterday and could not locate the lecture classroom. I heard that Ms. Jesshop did that first plenary and it would have been nice to see her too. Dr. Dixon did not come to class. I had a Grammar Workshop with her the first time I was doing this course.

    We had Ms. Dennis for the first tutorial today. She was the lecturer for this course during the time I did it. She brought copies of an exam that UWI does. It was very intent and it gave me a big scare o the English course that I had signed up for.


  1. English Language Proficiency Test 2019.



* Unknown/Forgotten Date *

    We were set into groups to work on all of our coursework. For this assignment, everyone had to come up with a topic sentence which was assignment 1. We were also allowed to try the paragraph in scrap before the final submission which was assignment 2. I had some difficulty with provided examples. I had to work with Dr. Evans-Dixon on three occasions before finally understanding it.

    All groups were given the option to do Analysis by Division first or Classification. We chose Division for assignment one so in the next assignment, it meant that we had to do classification. While working with the group, I began to feel as if I was the weaker link again as in my first trial of this course. I did not like the feeling at all but I continued to try my best.


  1. Analysis by Division (Scrap Trial).**
  2. Analysis by Division Assignment.



* Tuesday 25 January 2019 *

    Later down into the semester, assignment four was submitted. As a group, we did our own readings and then came up with our own topic sentences. When we had finally agreed on the thesis statement for the introduction, everyone went ahead with their body paragraph. This assignment was two be submitted by one person in the group as a full essay.

    The trick was that the easy was graded by one piece and the final part it received would be given to all group members. That was what I had panicked about the most. I really wished we had chosen classification first so that the division easy would have gained us more points.

    During the tutorial, I was very shocked that my scrap trial was a success. Dr. Dixon was very proud of me and when I held the paper back in my hand, I read it over and pull out a sheet of paper I used in order to construct my paragraph. As I followed each line, I looked at the ‘blueprint’ that I made and understood the assignment even better. I found that it was good to share it with Dr. Dixon whence was speaking to some of us in the group as a pastime.

    When I slid the sheet of paper over to her on the table, she saw the pink pen ink but was curious about what it was I was showing her. I had to explain from below to the top. This plan assisted me in completing my body paragraph. The corporation was the main topic for the body paragraph. To the middle, of the row were the three broad examples. The third row to the top would be smaller examples for each of the three broad examples. The moment I saw her smile looking down at the paper and I hear her “wow” sound, I knew that she had approved of this idea.

    She turned to me and asked me permission to show the class and I told her yes. My group heard a giggle and she said to us in a whisper, “I’ve never done this before.” She said the word “attention” aloud and then the class became silent to hear this. She began to explain what was on the sheet and how to do the paragraph.


  1. Classification (Scrap Trial).
  2. Classification Assignment.**
  3. Classification PLAN.**



* Unknown/Forgotten *

    On the day of this particular tutorial, we were taken to the second story of the building for class. The venue we were using had a meeting in there for the day. The rain came earlier and I had never felt so amazing sitting from that height in the building and looking out at the view presented to me outside of the wide glassed windows. For the entire time of the class, I was able to sit and come up with an introduction, and body paragraphs for that compare and contrast essay, we were asked to work on. I could see that my group did not like me that much.

    We had the assignment to submit that day and there was something they had done to me that wasn’t nice. After experiencing this, I decided to work on the essay alone. I chose my own topic and started the introduction. They continued with whatever it was they wanted to do if they even had anything done for the class’s duration.

    By the time I was finishing my first body paragraph, Dr. Dixon told us that she would take a look at some of the work we did so far. She helped me to restructure the work in my sentence outline and everything else seemed to be fine. Not many of the students were writing that quick and I was able to consult with Dr. Dixon two to three more times during the process of writing my essay.

    Before the class was dismissed, she called me over to then read all that I had for the class. When we listened to Dr. Dixon reading the essay, there were fixed super quick stops for a light correction. I could hear also from some of the pauses made for commenting. None was bad but very good. I felt proud of myself because it made me feel the growth and improvement that I wanted. Made sure not to pay any attention to the group members down to the back. I was looking down at the paper as the doctor read.

    When I got home, I was able to complete the rest of the essay and have it sent to Doctor for review. I received a printout of the next tutorial.


  1. Steelpan and Sitar (Compare & Contrast Essay).



* Tuesday 2 July 2019 *

    This exercise was to evaluation of each group member’s performance and work done throughout the working process of assignments. It was also submitted in the final class before the final examination. The members of the group found it unfair that I had my peer review form sealed in an envelope. I did not bother to take any negative words when one came. The instructions for the document said to do so and I obeyed. I did not want to have to endure another episode of what Ms. Kong did to me in the middle of a tutorial the last time. That one too was not nice.



* Tuesday 16 July 2019 *

    The finals came in the evening. I chose to do question three which was the compare and contrast essay. The full duration was used. I felt proud of what I had done. My nervousness was greater than the feeling overall because I did not want to fail this course again. I wanted to pass.


  1. Candidate’s Receipt & Question Paper.

Daryl Zion M. Ali