Thursday, May 23, 2019

Music Degree – SUMMER 2019 (Yr2 Sem3)

Date for Entry: (Thursday 23 May 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The academic year is over. I decided to sign up in the summer for two courses that I had to repeat. These two were: (1) Law, Governance, Economy, and Society, and (2) Writing for Academic Purposes. On this day, I went to the drizzle to pay for the registration. It took me a while. The line in the Republic Bank was not overlong but it was a while. I decided to go down to the office and have them see about the clearance as I was right there in the area. I was looking forward to the start of this second chance but also worried because they are both tough classes.



  1. UWI Summer School (2019) - Receipt.
  2. UWI Summer School (2019) - Fee Sheet.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Grand Staff

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 14th May 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 13th August 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I was asked by a very special friend, Nella to create a Grand Staff chart for her classroom. This was done during the week leading up to Friday's Indian Classical Music final examination. The Diaspora concert ‘exam’ had already taken place and concluded.

    This project required several cutting and sticking because of the note-heads for each line and space. I also decided to craft text on the chart for the student’s use and to point out important tips. Doing this same activity gave me ideas for the same grand staff topic in my steelpan book.




Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, May 11, 2019

“Our Father” (Caribbean Version)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 11 May 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    On this day, I was able to complete the “Our Father” song for the steelband. I see that Mr. Sharma really liked this and had asked me to start working on it for Sunday School. I started the evenings in Curepe trying to work it out and then I went up to Tunapuna to print out the parts for the members on my way to practice the Sunday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Music Degree - FINALS (Yr2, Sem2)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 1st May 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 16th March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I decided to do music for the second semester of the academic year. During the first three weeks, I continued using the “Joining the Dots” book two until I had finished it on my own. When I told Mr. Sharma that I did not know what his reaction or response would have been. I was glad that he allowed me to start book three right away. It was a green-covered book. When we began the warmup practice, it was not so easy at all. They took a scale and made a game using both hands. They were similar in sound but each pattern may have carried a different feeling.



* Wednesday 1 May 2019 *

    I was given two new pieces to try out from a Grade One piano ABRSM exam book. The first was Egyptian Level and it was fun. I learned it out quickly within three to five practices at home. My challenge in it was to look out for the dynamics and the ending, poco rit.

    “Wiegenlied” piece was given to me and really did not like it. It was too troublesome at first. I am still surprised that I actually did this piece for a final piano jury at UWI.


  1. “The Egyptian Level”.** [Permission was not granted.]
  2. “Wiegenlied”.** [Permission was not granted.]


* Friday 3 May 2019 *

    I stayed up all night trying to go through some of the things that Dr. Remy gave me from the course’s Dropbox file. It was a cram I did and there were a learn a lot of things. The venue for the examination was in one of the temporary classrooms down by the sciences area of UWI. Dr. Remy came in later towards the end of the duration. For me, this was a hard exam. An essay was provided and I chose to speak on the topic of the standardization and patent of steelpan instruments. I took six check overs and then handed in my paper to many people before time.


  1. Steelpan History & Development – Candidate’s Receipt.



* Wednesday 8 May 2019. *

    My exam for steelpan arranging was at four in the evening. The sun was already in. That evening was very cool and chilly so I knew for sure that the computer lab would be more than a freezer. I was lucky to keep a copy of the question paper for good record and it stated that there were eight of us doing that evening.

    It was only when I was finished and exiting the computer lab that I heard all o them complaining about the time and that they could not finish. For me, I would complain that IT IS an injustice having only two hours to do the exam, however; I was able to complete the entire examination with a total of ninety-eight measures of music notation for a full band.

    We were all given headphones to use for replaying our pieces during the test. Some of them were allowed to use their own laptops with the Sibelius. I did my one on the school laptop. There were three pieces of music given for use to choose from which were “The Flintstones”, “Mr. Walker” or “There is a Light”.  Having heard some poor versions UWI anthem and chose to stay away from it. I did not think the Flintstones one was for me.

    However, in the “Mr. Walker” piece I could tell just by the visual before playing it that it was a calypso. I chose that one immediately because it had the potential for a good piece. I still wonder what was Dr. Remy’s comments would have been on this creation. A copy of the final examination submission to the invigilators and a recording of it are provided below. This version was written over in Musescore.


  1. Candidate’s Receipt & Final Exam Question Paper.
  2. Final Exam Submission (Musescore Version).**
  3. Final Exam Recording.**



* Thursday 9th May 2019 *

    I had my individual steelpan jury examination in studio four again. I was not able to save the score for the second piece. This class for my year group each time usually had four people so it was a quick exam. Usually, there were persons repeating the ‘course’ and had to do over the final exam for some reason would have joined us. I don’t think there were ever more than six people for our year group.

    At the end of the exam, I went upstairs and sat back down in that freezing cold computer lab where the big steelpan arranging examination was and went to play over what I had done. There was nothing that needed changing for me. I loved the whole thing. I took a recording from my phone of the Sibelius and took pictures of the full score to recreate on Musescore at home. I hope that it hopes me well.

    On this day too, I was given a score by my friend Nella. I saw from one of her Instagram posts that she was playing the piece “Presto”. I learned that she was doing this piece for her final jury o this semester. It is four pages in length and has a single melodic line. I hope that one day I will find the time and go through the piece myself.


  1. “The Favourite and Ragtime Two-Step”.**
  2. Presto.**


* Friday 17 May 2019 *

    On this Friday afternoon, all twenty-two students of the class waited outside of the JFK Auditorium for the finals of the Indian Classical Music class. Even though I had gotten the nineteen out of twenty in the written mid-term theory exam, I was still worried. There was still a lot that I did not know. One of the nice things was that on the Saturday or Sunday of this exam, Mr. Maharaj emailed everyone individually and gave our coursework marks. When I continued reading the short message, I saw that my overall mark was now 49 out of 50. I was so excited.

    I sat down and when they said “you may now begin,” I opened the questions and viewed them all before attempting them. We were asked to answer five of the eight. I cannot recall all of the questions that I attempted. I can only remember that questions two, three, and five were answered. Question four seemed like one I would enjoy discussing in full detail.

    At the end of the exam, we were all outside because there was a hold-up with certain documents being required in order to let us leave. My nice friend Nella asked me how I felt about the test and if I was worried. I told her, “No. I just need one mark again to pass.” We both had a good laugh. Everyone else moved onto some part of the main campus to lime for a while. I on the other hand chose to forget them and go back up the road with daddy to DCFA and enjoy that place more. Probably it would help me get that main campus nervousness out of me.

    I had to wait a while in the carpark because there was a meeting for the students going into the final year of the degree program. All of us from the exam this evening are those persons except for the few that took the class for extra credit or had transferred.

    The meeting felt forever and boring probably because I did not have an ounce of interest in doing that thesis. It makes me feel lazy to say so but it was not like it was a textbook I could do on my own terms. It was in that meeting that we discovered because of the Ministry of Education’s update, we are not mandated to take certain courses and it meant that we have no electives at all. Some of those courses were Jazz Theory and Composition. However, the composition was one that I’ve been waiting for some LOONG semesters ago. I hope that it will go well if I am allowed to do it sometime soon.


  1. Candidate’s Receipt & Question Paper.

Daryl Zion M. Ali