Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Animal Farm's Anthem.

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 6th June 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 26th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    In my vacation time, I got the idea to visit the “Animal Farm” novel from Form Two. I did not read most of it at all but what I do remember the strongest apart from the animals was the anthem that the character sang. I recall Mrs. Mahase asking for some of us to create a melody just to see what we might come up with. Since I had finished the Fundamentals of Pan Arranging course, I decided to get the words from the internet and come up with a melody first.

    It was easy coming up with chords to use for the other background instruments. Only when it was finished did I have a confident feeling about it. It sounded as if it was workable to the task that Miss asked us to do long ago. Since I’ve created this version, I did not get to share it with the literature teachers at school. I know they may not be able to guide me in the music aspect but I wonder what comments may come from the literature part.



  • Description document. ** [Document Lost.]
  • Score for Anthem. ** [Document Lost.]
  • Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Aramalaya Torch Run Service

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 3rd June 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 26th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This evening the Sunday school had to play for a special function in the church. I can’t remember exactly what the special purpose of the service was for. We played the medley that we had comprising of  Hallu, Jesus Loves Me, Ode to Joy and others. It was a very special moment for me to actually see what the agape feast was like. That was one time besides communion we got to eat and drink in the church. There was also a small Bristol board cross that one of the moms gave us. I’m not sure what we were supposed to use it for.


  1. Aramalaya Torch Run Service – Programme.**

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, June 1, 2018

Microfilm Quest

Date for Entry: (Friday 1st June, 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 27th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    During the summer vacation of my degree year one, I was sent an email from Dr. Remy for a request. She had asked me to go to the West Indian Collections Microfilm to find a steelpan article for a colleague. The name of the Article is "The Story of Steelbands in Antigua: From 'Hellish Cacophony' to Festival” which was written by David J. Nelson of the Guardian Newspaper in 1951.


Nelson, David J. "The Story of Steelbands in Antigua: From 'Hellish Cacophony' to Festival.” Sunday Guardian, 26 Jan, 1951, p. 17.


    I emailed back Dr. Remy on the 9th of June 2018 with the article in a PDF from the Microfilm program along with some other steelpan items I was able to find. According to the email, the same article that was asked of me to find is on page three. Dr. Remy also wanted to send her the MLA written out for her before passing the information on to someone else. I did up a handwritten form (version 6) that I used to do for the coursework in that class and sent it over to her together. The MLA attempt on the form was not correct. Please see the table above.


    I have had a lot of appreciation for this little search because it got me to be introduced to TASPO (Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra). I had to learn further on this when I was doing her degree course in the ‘History and Development of the Steelpan’ class. I was surprised when it came back up in the class and I got to learn a bit further about what I found.

    I got the opportunity to meet Miss Nero in the library at the same time. She had asked Dr. Remy to meet me after my submissions of the “A Season of Steelpan” books with newspaper articles and forms that I had donated to the library towards Dr. Remy’s collection of work there. I also gave Miss Nero some additional submissions from the Microfilm quest.

    I went to find what Dr. Remy was looking for first and then went through the whole year looking for steelpan articles from that same year. I also got to share the music composition for the “Animal Farm” anthem that I did during that vacation period as part of the conversation and she seemed to appreciate it.

    Just before leaving, Miss Nero took me to see the Dr. Eric Williams Museum where they had recreated his office. It felt like a real place or some completely special different location as if it was not UWI anymore in the small room.


  1. Microfilm Newspaper Articles.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali