Thursday, March 8, 2018

Research Survey - Effect of Music on Mood

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 8th March 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 25th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This evening before the recess of our history class, Mrs. Ramlal allowed a young gentleman named Dario to conduct a survey. It was to study the effect of music on mood. Each student in the room was given a consent form to fill out before answering the questions.

    The survey took a lot of us some time to fill out. There were a lot of pages and questions and we all felt as if we were being interrogated. I felt like someone was pestering me for my personal information. It was only until I just ignored the feeling and answered truthfully, that I got it completed faster. And oh boy, it was brutally honest I felt ashamed.



  1. Consent Form.
  2. Survey Questions.** 
  3. Research Submission.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, March 5, 2018

"Destination Known" Challenge - School of Composition

 Date for Entry: (Unknown./Forgotten)

[March 2018]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 24th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I once belonged to a Facebook Group for music composers and came across a challenge to create a piece of music. Since it was music and composition, I just had to click the link and go into the literature. I became familiar with the name of the person responsible for it. His name was Matt Ellul and he was deeply into music. I created a two-page document with all of the instructions so that I could begin working on it once the inspiration came.

    Over some time, I began to see the image of a lady out in a forest in the middle of the night with a girl sitting on a bench. The painting I did to recreate it was not even close to what I saw in my mind. I realised that the woman I drew was an older and grown version of Carla from the “Magical Creatures” novel I was doing.

    In the composition of the piece, I did not have a strategy or any plan or idea. I allowed the music to sing itself into my mind and then tried hard to notate it out onto the Musescore grand staff. It had to be piano as the required instrumentation and a minimum of one minute.

    There was a four-bar phrase given to use that was to be used to end the song. Somehow, my mind was using it as a motif and I questioned if I was using it to do some sort of Rondo Form. I had to convert the grand staff from harpsichord to piano off and on. The sound of the piano did not do much justice to the notation. Because of this choice, I suppose this was the reason why Matt ended up commenting that “is introduced immediately but is an introduction to a new theme. and as  you hear, that theme slowly evolves into familiar territory.”

    Several persons were submitting their compositions to Matt. We had a deadline to meet by the 3rd of April 2018. Once that was done, we began to see persons sharing recordings of their pieces in the comments section of Matt’s post in the two or three groups that I was in.

    This was the first time I decided to use YouTube for music sharing. I had no experience at all. Honestly, I did not research how to do YouTube video upload either. I also did not know at the time how to create an Mp3 from Musescore. I sat with my phone and had the house closed in tight to record it from the software playing at a medium volume but thankfully the audio was good.

    During one of my waiting times for class to be in Studio 4 at DCFA, I thought that it would be VERY unacceptable to send a video with the music recording and a blank screen. That was where I got the idea to do the painting for the piece of music. I hope that this goes well. It is not to win anything but we did it for the love of music creations.


    As this was being my very first piece of music on YouTube, all other compositions of mine in future taken on the same approach. There would be a video with the recording and a painting to represent what is happening in the music.

    In a few weeks to come, after the submission, there was a YouTube video with the same name as the composition challenge. As soon as I woke up, I saw the video ‘floating around in the group’s section. The video was short and timed. Not much feedback but I was still happy to try out the piece (see 15:00). In some years after, this piece was taken for my novel as one of the music compositions.



  • “Walking in a Midnight Setting” - Score. ** [For Request by Email.]
  • Destination Known Instructions.
  • Recording of “Walking in a Midnight Setting”.

  • Destination Known Feedback & Critiques.

Daryl Zion M. Ali