Monday, January 16, 2017

First Day of Semester 4

 Date for Entry: (Monday 16th January, 2017)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 15th November, 2021)

Dear Diary, 

    Today was my first day back out to School for Semester 2 of my second year of the Certificate Course. Dr. Remy would be my lecturer today and I hope this class goes well and is nice. 

    During class, before it began, she asked me if I knew the story of the flying book stand. I respond no to Dr. Remy and she said “usually the person who was sitting up in front was the one to get hit with the book stand. I burst out a loud laugh with her and then she told me "I am a brave soul". 

    It made me feel nice but really and truly no one wanted to come up and join the front row as usual. Surprisingly, Samantha was not in the front row on the others side. I am the one to the front row sitting on the side nearest to the door and she sat in the same row nearest to the piano. This was our sitting pattern from every class. 

    We went true the course outline and some of the books she brought to show us. I could see that this course would be a really nice one for me, seeing that there are lots of things I was doing since at a very young age required in here.

    The course outlines provided is one that I have taken from Dr. Remy and recreated to fit two pages.



  1. Music Literatures of the Steelpan (Course Outline) - My Version.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

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