Monday, June 22, 2015

Referee Letter from Mr. Lewis

 Date for Entry: (Monday 22nd June, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 2nd July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today I carried this book (Music Journal; Vol. 2) to my lessons by Mr. Lewis. It was only the volume one section since I had them in two smaller folders and volume one was completed already. He was very impressed. Then I had to do my pan performances for the exam. At the end of class, I called dad over to let him ask for the referee letter. But then after, Mr. Lewis had wanted me to write it instead since he would have forgotten. So, I just went home to write it up. 

    The next day, I went back to class because sir was going on a field trip to the Grand Canyon with his school. Everyone was there and I carried back my Journal because his mom didn’t get to see it yesterday. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there to see the folder. When I gave sir the paper with the referee letter, he had to make some changes from what I had done. When we told him the deadline, he told us to come back tomorrow for it.

    When tomorrow came, which was Wednesday 24th June, 2015, he came out of his car and had a strange and surprising look and then asked me where was the letter. But I didn’t know that he had corrected it and e-mailed it back to me to print and then come back with it to just sign. So, I just helped him carry his things back upstairs and then waited for him to get it printed while he was on the phone. 

    So, as I waited patiently to get the letter printed, his e-mail or computer was giving some trouble but then eventually it was out and then another was printed. So, he told me, “Well good! If they aren’t takin’ one well-de next one go work!” He was looking at me like if he wanted some type of answer so I said, “Thank you, sir.” Then he signed it. I then showed him the Pan Handbook I made for Youth Group and then he told me that “since this wasn’t your work, you need someone to edit it for you like me or Uncle Desmond to look it through like for little errors and stuff like that.”

    Upon leaving, I had to tell him that I couldn’t find the Paper-II Booklet I had made for him like the batch I made for the teachers when the examiner said that I had done extra work. So, then I left and went home. One referee letter was done and now I have to wait for the last one from Ria.


  1. Referee Letter.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

First Time Entering UWI North Gates For My Purposes

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 16th June, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 24th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today daddy and I went to the stationery shop to make some photocopies of all my music certificates from recent and previous examinations in ARRSM Royal Theory and DCFA Graded Examination in Solo Performances. There were about eight certificates I made copies as well as my identification card.

    On reaching the UWI Campus, we didn’t know where to go and then a lady upstairs of Republic Bank helped us as we all saw a brochure on the notice board about the application even today. So she told us that it was in the JFK area. When we got there, the rain slowly began to fall and I didn’t want it to fall on me to get any colder.

    There was a lot of people dressed in red. I also saw students in their secondary school uniforms. I taught that today, I would have been able to start class. I did not even know if it was a short workshop thing. A girl came and took us into the auditorium where I filled out a long legal-sized sheet of information such as Surname, First name, E-mail address, contact number and Medical Illness. My hands were shaking for this because I was done already nervous and three other forms still had to be full out. Plus, the air conditioning was made the place like a ridge.

    There were lots of tables with people gathered sitting around and talking about the various facilities. I somehow know that humanities would have been where I was going and it was music. It took the people in front of me about half an hour to consult with the lady at the desk. Then it was our turn. She gave us a small paper book and a long paper book about Music. So right away I knew that it was in the Humanities section.

    She gave us five stapled legal-size documents and sent us over to a red-covered table in the corner of the stage to fill out other stuff. While filling it out, I needed help and hoped that dad could have helped me. And he had to answer the cell phone three times because a lady from his work needed some help to pay off for a trip to Dominica she was planning for the weekend. So, then I had to try the information and fill out the form by myself, unknowing the meaning of the big words I had never seen or known of before. His voice echoed in the whole enclosed hall and some of the people heard him.

    Coming to the end of filling out the form, I just didn’t enjoy having to put myself on the spot without a clue of what to do, so I just joined the line to see the officer at the stage’s table. It didn’t take long to see her because there was only one person in front of me this time.

    The lady helped us fill out the rest of the form while I made dad sit on the other chair just in case. When the officer asked for the originals of the certificates, I had to send back dad in the car to collect them. I got a chance to ask her questions on the other forms because I had no idea what they were about and I just hold the bag they gave me from outside. Then I took my black folder of certificates and found each page to show the officer. Each one she saw she stamped the copies, wrote on them, signed and then gave me to sign the copies.

    I was feeling so proud of myself yet slightly ashamed because not everyone was giving in about ten certificates all at once. Each moment I showed her the original, she took the copy and gave it two stamps. One was the official UWI Stamp and one is where she had to sign it. In the end, she gave me a green plastic case with a pair of headphones. She said that it was a gift from the Campus. So, I took it and thanked her twice before leaving her desk. Then I walked out like the teacher with all his files and briefcases walking out with a folder in the other hand. 

    All I had to do was to get a referee letter. I was worried because dad had just told me to put Ria’s and Mr. Lewis’ names in that place. But I didn’t know their phone numbers as well so I had to leave it blank since my phone was in the car as well. We just need to get them and submit them and that will be it, hopefully.  

Daryl Zion M. Ali