Saturday, May 9, 2015

Second Aramalaya & Kelly Youth Services

 Date for Entry: (Sunday 9th May, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 5th July, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This morning was Trinity Sunday and our message focused on The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. I had to start off the service both in Church and in Kelly with a pan solo. I played “Praise ye the Father” and right into “Suhani Raat” While playing Suhani, I heard someone persons humming the melody. The same thing happened in Kelly too. After all, it was Indian Arrival Day yesterday.

    In Kelly Church, I was surprised to see my Facebook friend Nathan Nagir coming to play the organ. this was the first time I  got to meet him in real. 

The songs that they had to play were:

  • Lord God of Morning and of Night
  • Come thou, Almighty King
  • Father, we Love you
  • Doxology and Glory be to God the Father
  • Lord’s Prayer
  • Holy holy holy
  • Threefold Amen
  • Coral Benediction

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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