Friday, March 27, 2015

Hillview's Easter Service (2015)

Date for Entry: (Friday 27th March, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    This morning was another Easter Service with the same old hymns and same old songs. However, it was much different as before because, at the Service, I was the only Form 5 Student who attended. I felt like I made the right choice by going. I wondered if I was supposed to be in school. There was a new Spanish teacher that sat with me. She was one of the many teachers that stood at the Staffroom windows and watched me do my performance for my Music Paper 3: School-Based Assessment (SBA).

    While singing “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” the organist and his other accompanist which were the students and Mr. Bedase wasn’t ready to play so Reverend Adrian started us off. Two big things happened in that one song. The Reverend started to sing us and then in the program, they missed out two lines and the students in the congregation had stopped. We did the song over with the organist this time.   

    I felt curious and a bit sad at the end of the Service because at the conclusion, the Principle had asked the Steel Ensemble to come up to play the National Anthem and the College Song. And it was only me so I didn’t go. I stood there like all of the others. And I could have really impressed my new Form 3 friends that I made during the Test Time that had just passed. So they got a student who played the Tenor pan for the same Service to play the National Anthem. 

    Even now I still regret not going up and if Miss Abbey from the television show “Dance Moms” were there with me she would have been somewhat disappointed but I knew she would have said, “That's what you get for not going and taking the opportunity when it knocks at your doors.” 

    I wanted to see if they were prepared for when all the Steel Ensemble members got promoted to Form 6 and some leave how they would handle it. And after that, I went to pack my classroom and neaten up the classroom and pull all of the desks and chairs together. I saw Miss Khan come but she left me there and didn’t say anything much. I wondered what her problem was as though I didn't ask.



  1. Hillview Easter Service - Program.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Music Room

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[March 2015: Form 5 West] 

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today my Music Room had been built and completed. The process of making it was very, very long and exciting. The person who made it, I think it was Mr. Mohammed, did it very well and the furniture that mom had made it look nice. I didn’t get the stairs how I imagined them to be but it was acceptable by force. I even got a long shelf on the top near the ceiling to put my music books and other things. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Monday, March 9, 2015

CXC Music SBA (Paper 3; Part 2) Perf Exam [Part A (i-ii) & B]

Date for Entry: (Monday 9th March, 2015)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today Miss Graham came back to Hillview College to examine me for the SBA (Paper 3) for the analysis of the eight commercials [Part 1] and the two types of performances which would include a solo [Part 2 (A; i-ii)] and an Ensemble piece [Part 2 B]. The worry I had was to be in part of the Ensemble piece. It was only Monday we had started and that was that so I didn’t know what type of miracle had to happen. 

    At the end of playing my solo performance, Ms. Graham gave me permission to leave the stage and to go and find my friend for the Ensemble performance. At the front, we were all in a short problem because they didn’t know the song I gave them and then Ifeaye and my other old friend Christian helped me to play in the Ensemble. 

    Ms. Graham told me and my friends that I could not play the piece of music I planned to do because it was not fully my official work. So, she allowed my friends and me to play one we did from the Steel Ensemble. This was where we choose “Hero”. There were some sudden crescendos and abrupt parts I had to playmaking me feel worried. However, it was mistakes made I was able to cover it up. 

    Then I had to do over a second solo piece because that first one was not my work also. I decided to play “Besame Mucho” because it was a little sophisticated song, carrying so many rhythms and the use of triplets might have been the only complex piece we did in the ensemble. I felt that it could also earn me some high marks. I was then asked to play the scale and arpeggio used for the piece. 

    After doing the scale and arpeggio, Ms. Graham told me that she was so "touched by what you played" and she made sure to mention how well the arpeggios were done. I was like, “Yes! Thank you, Jesus!” It seemed as if she was trying to find a way to describe the way the arpeggios were played to Miss Saunders but did find the word.

    After I took a chair from up on the stage and sat by the table with Ms. Graham, Ms. Saunders and I asked her for tips about my Set Works in Paper 1. Unfortunately, she didn’t know about that either. So, I didn’t know how I was going to get the information to study for the part of the examination. Mr. Lewis was also not going to help me which I had a strong feeling about from the very beginning and there wasn’t anyone else to ask for help. I mostly had to use the CXC music syllabus as I was doing all this time.

    Ms. Graham gave me a form to fill out concerning the paper 1 examination. It was to do with how many songs I had in my "folder" and also how much I had to play. They didn’t tell me what was my student’s number or what the number of the registration was but I knew my school centre number was 160023. Ms. Graham signed it and then gave the form back to me to sign. Both she and Ms. Saunders look at the paper when I was about to sign. I looked at them and laughed out when I saw their curious faces to see how I would have signed. After Ms. Saunders signed the form Ms. Graham took the paper and then said, “Oh Shery-Ann, you could do much better than this.” It was about my signature and I still loved it, lolz. 

    As she was leaving, I gave Ms. Graham the SBA with the CD inside and the Performance booklet I had made and had bound to give her. She didn’t know that it was a present. I decided to give her it as a personal gift because at first, I thought that it was something to submit with the examiner. Then I gave Ms. Saunders a copy also. I had my copies of the SBA, Performance booklet and the CXC Music syllabus. 

    Ms. Saunders was asking how much the cost for all the copies was because she so appreciated how I had gone and bonded her CXC syllabus for her. As for me, I didn’t like having a book to be so unprotected. I have this very big obsession for books and I certainly could not have given her back syllabus copy in a way that it could have been damaged easily. 

    On walking to the Auditorium with my heavy bags and my book stand in my green cloth bag, I held out a bag with two small boxes of cheesecake and two forks. She told me that she had to go and pick up her niece and then I told her I had planned to sit down and eat a cheesecake with her after the exam. I let her go and I took home the cheesecake and stored it in the fridge for the next day. 

    Another day was over and finished successfully. I still cannot imagine the morning I had today to get copies of the work I had made of today’s examination as presents for some of my teacher’s. I had to miss the whole morning sessions of classes to get the SBA printed and put together the CD for it and then run to the stationary store with it to get them spiral bound. All in the end it was worth it and I am grateful for the happy ending.

Daryl Zion M. Ali